
Generates random patterns of daffodils growing in an area defined in an ArcGIS FeatureLayer. Flight shown in ArcGIS WebScene.

Primary LanguageHTML

Daffodil Generator

Niklas Köhn, Esri Deutschland GmbH, 2020

Generated random daffodil patterns within areas defined on an ArcGIS FeatureLayer. Plays a flight from slides defined in an ArcGIS WebScene.

Supports the following URL parameters:

  • showWidgets: boolean. default: false. Use this parameter to show default widgets and Esri attribution.
  • showAreaLayer: boolean. default: false
  • itemId: string. Points to the ArcGIS ItemID of a WebScene. This is the default scene.
  • daffodilAreasUrl: string. Points to the URL of an ArcGIS FeatureLayer that contains the daffodil areas. This is the default service.
  • daffodilUrl: string. default: using the slightly altered "Daffodil" model from "Poly by Google. Points to the URL of the 3d model (can be anything that is supported by the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.. try daffodilUrl=tent.glb if you dare).
  • maxDist: number. default: 2. The bigger the area, the lower this number should be. My browser went down at around 1000 planted flowers.
  • maxHeight: number. default max flower height: 1
  • cameraListener: boolean. default: false. shows camera positions in dev console.
  • zoomClose: boolean. default: false. sets camera z value to 0.5 on init.
  • startAt: number. default: 0. animation starts at this slide no.
  • modelLayerStartAt: number. default: -1. add 3d model layer when animation reaches this slide no.
  • modelLayerEndAt: number. default: -1. remove 3d model layer when animation reaches this slide no.
  • speedFactor: number. default: 0.1. lower is slower.
  • offset: number. default: 0. halt when slide is reached.
  • easing: string. default: "in-out-coast-quadratic". possible values see "easing" doc

Example call:

Disclaimer: Esri attribution and other widgets were removed by default, because this project was used to make videos for the Esri Germany conference #EsriKon 2020.

Based the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sample Import glTF 3D Models - 4.14.