[lidar_align-2] process has died
ydj520 opened this issue · 4 comments
ydj520 commented
Hi,i meet this error when i run roslauch,i have catkin_make successfully.
[lidar_align-2] process has died [pid 20770, exit code -6, cmd /home/ydj/project/laser_imu_calibration/lidarimu/devel/lib/lidar_align/lidar_align_node __name:=lidar_align __log:=/home/ydj/.ros/log/5918c69c-255a-11eb-b822-000c2966b41f/lidar_align-2.log].
log file: /home/ydj/.ros/log/5918c69c-255a-11eb-b822-000c2966b41f/lidar_align-2*.log
goktugyildirim commented
check your ram
yumwww commented
Do you solve the issue?I meet the same question.It seems everything is ok . but it faile.