
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


If you use Map API in your academic work, please cite:

  title={Map API - Scalable Decentralized Map Building for Robots},
  author={Cieslewski, Titus and Lynen, Simon and Dymczyk, Marcin and Magnenat, St\'{e}phane and Siegwart, Roland},
  booktitle={Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on},


Requires ROS for building. Additionally, install catkin tools and rosinstall if you didn't do so before:

sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python-rosinstall

Create a new catkin workspace if needed. Note that the dependencies unfortunately require --merge-devel (replace indigo with your ROS distribution):

mkdir -p my_ws/src
cd my_ws
catkin config --init --mkdirs --extend /opt/ros/indigo \
  --merge-devel --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Clone Map API:

cd src
git clone git@github.com:ethz-asl/map_api.git

Clone dependencies:

wstool init
wstool merge map_api/dependencies.rosinstall
wstool update


catkin build


This manual is aimed at the reader who is interested in implementing or extending a library that uses Map API as a framework for sharing data between agents.

If you are just using such a library, all that might be useful to you in this document can be found in this section.

If you want to understand how Map API works, this manual might be an interesting starting point before reading the paper.

How to use Map API

Map API is a fully decentralized data distribution framework that has been developed in order to allow multiple robots to share mapping data as they collaboratively map an environment.

In a nutshell, Map API is to a multi-agent system what (git + github) is to code collaborators, except that it's fully peer-to-peer and doesn't force agents to replicate data they are not interested in (and doesn't have branches or commit messages). It has some additional features useful for multi-agent mapping like 3d querying and event callbacks.

For sake of example, let's assume you are writing a multi-agent mapping application and have a pose-graph class like this:

class PoseGraph {
  void buildFromEstimatorOutput();
  void optimize();
  void useForLocalization();
  std::unordered_map<VertexId, Vertex> vertices_;
  std::unordered_map<EdgeId, Edge> edges_;

Then Map API allows you to go from single-agent code like this:

PoseGraph pose_graph;
// later...

to multi-agent code like this:

// On agent 1:
PoseGraphView pose_graph_view;

// On agent 2:
PoseGraphView pose_graph_view;

// On agent 3:
PoseGraphView pose_graph_view;

or even using callbacks for asynchronous operation, like this:

// Agent 1: Same as above.

// Agent 2:
  PoseGraphView pose_graph_view;

// Agent 3:
  PoseGraphView pose_graph_view;

This can then scale to arbitrary numbers of peers (independently whether those peers are pose-graph producers or consumers). All the data is available to all the agents (there are ways to discover data based on location), even though no agent is forced to keep data it doesn't want to (thus technically enabling distribution of very-large scale maps on many peers). Finally, all the data is synchronized in a fashion very similar to git and all of this works without a central entity.

Note the new class PoseGraphView. This is a data inteface that allows interaction with a consistent snapshot of the data, even though the "latest version" of the data might be updated by other agents in the meantime. This is equivalent to how a commit hash defines a "view" of the data in a git repository.

Data structure

We provide the following UML diagram for reference throughout this documentation (dmap is a legacy name of Map API):


In order to make use of Map API, your application should express its data, let's call it AppData, in terms of singleton associative containers with ids as keys (singleton means that there is a only a single such container per process):

class AppData {
  // ...
  std::unordered_map<IdType1, DataType1> container_1_;
  std::unordered_map<IdType2, DataType2> container_2_;
  // etc ...

However, instead of using unordered maps, you will need to use map_api_common::MappedContainerBases and instead of using arbitrary id types, you will need to use id types derived from map_api_common::Id:

#include <map-api-common/mapped-container-base.h>
#include <map-api-common/unique-id.h>


class AppData {
  // ...
  std::unique_ptr<map_api_common::MappedContainerBase<IdType1, DataType1>> container_1_;
  std::unique_ptr<map_api_common::MappedContainerBase<IdType2, DataType2>> container_2_;
  // ...

// Outside of any namespace:

While you can techincally just use map_api_common::Id from the map-api-common package, we strongly recommend using strongly typed ids as provided by the above macros, as this will make it harder to make silly errors like passing the wrong id type to functions.

At this point, you can continue to have a Map API-free version of your basic app, by instantiating the map_api_common::MappedContainerBases with map_api_common::HashMapContainers, which are defined in the same header. The latter are essentially equivalent to std::unordered_map. This allows you to easily switch between using and not using Map API, the latter of course being faster in a single-agent setting.

Now you will first need to define how your data types can be translated into the internal data representation of Map API. Then, we recommend you define a view class similar to the example in the intro that will allow you to check out and commit the distributed map state.

Defining type-to-revision translations

Revisions are the internal representation of individual data items in Map API. They are called Revisions because data items are subject to change - a revision captures the state of a data item at a given time. The history of an item is represented by a sequence of revisions associated to a time, where the times are times when changes occurred and the revision corresponds to the new state at that time.

Consequently, you will need to define how the types of the data you want to distribute using Map API can be translated into these revisions. Depending on your type, you can choose to translate it into a protobuf or a composite revision. Protobuf revisions contain a single serialization string that is generated by Google Protocol Buffers from an intermediate protocol buffer representation. A protocol buffer representation of a type is significantly more comfortable to implement than implementing a serialization directly. Alternatively, you can express your type as a composite revisions composed of the types listed at the bottom of map-api/revision-inl.h. We recommend to translate into protobuf revisions by default, and use composite revisions for special cases only.

First, you will need to specialize map_api::objectFromRevision(const map_api::Revision&, ObjectType*) and map_api::objectToRevision(const ObjectType&, map_api::Revision*) for your type.

If you go for protobuf revisions you can simply use the corresponding macro from map-api/app-templates.h. Consult the macro expansion for the expected Protocol Buffer serialization and deserialization signatures.

Otherwise, if you prefer composite revisions, your specializations should look similar to the following example:

enum Fields {
  kIndex, kName, kValue

map_api::objectFromRevision(const map_api::Revision& revision, DataType* object) {
  revision.get(kIndex, &object->index);
  revision.get(kName, &object->name);
  revision.get(kValue, &object->value);

map_api::objectToRevision(const DataType& object, map_api::Revision* revision) {
  revision->set(kIndex, object.index);
  revision->set(kName, object.name);
  revision->set(kValue, object.value);

Defining NetTables

For each data type, Map API has a container called NetTable which holds the history of all items of that type. In order to use these containers, you will need to initialize them with a unique name (that will be used for addressing data packets, so that the correct data arrives at the correct container on a remote peer) and a specification of the revision format (used for verifying that the correct data has arrived at a given container).

For protobuf revisions, this is as simple as:

// TODO(tcies) un-sharedptr, static functions of NetTableManager?
std::shared_ptr<map_api::TableDescriptor> descriptor<ProtobufType>("table_name");
map_api::NetTable* table = map_api::NetTableManager::instance().addTable(descriptor);

For composite revisions, you need to declare the individual fields:

std::shared_ptr<map_api::TableDescriptor> descriptor;
map_api::NetTable* table = map_api::NetTableManager::instance().addTable(descriptor);

As you add a table through the NetTableManager, Map API verifies that your table description corresponds to table descriptions of the same table ( identified by the name) on other agents.

Defining view classes

Access to the Map API data structure is provided through so-called transactions. This access protocol guarantees two things:

  1. It ensures that all the data, as seen by the agent, is consistent, even if the data can change at any time due to activity by other agents. This is achieved by defining a view time: Changes applied to the data after this time will not be seen by the transaction instance.
  2. It ensures that changes applied by the agent will either be seen by other agents all at the same time or not at all.

This protocol is very similar to git, where you check out a commit and will not see changes applied by your colleagues in the meantime until you check out a newer commit.

In order to integrate Map API into your application with the least effort, we recommend defining a class analogous to the following AppDataView:

class AppDataView {
  AppDataView() {
        transaction_.createCache<IdType1, DataType1>(table_1));
        transaction_.createCache<IdType2, DataType2>(table_2));
    // ...
  AppData& data() {
    return data_;
  bool commitChanges() {
    return transaction_.commit();
  AppData data_;
  map_api::Transaction transaction_;

By instantiating the AppData map_api_common::MappedContainerBases with map_api::ThreadsafeCaches, the data_ member will now represent the state of the shared data as it is at construction time of the transaction_ member.

Things to consider when using Map API to modify shared map data


  • Opening a transaction does not incur network traffic, and is generally not expensive.
  • MappedContainerBase::getMutable() should only be used in order to modify data, since every item thus accessed will be marked as modified and consequently sent over the network at commit-time.
  • Transactions can be committed multiple times. This can be used to keep the shared data up to date when necessary. However, the view time will remain the same.

Commit failures

A commit can fail if items that you update or remove have also been updated or removed by other peers during the scope of your transaction. If this is the case, you are in trouble. While we exhibit an interface to "manually" merge conflicts, which we won't document here, we recommend to avoid conflicts altogether. This can be achieved through careful design and automated merging. You may also consider simply accepting commit failures and discarding changes, depending on your application.

Getting access to data created by other agents

Up until now we have made the assumption that the data we are intersted in is present on the agent at hand. This, however, is per default not the case for data that has been created by other agents. In order to scale, a design decision that has been made for Map API is that an agent shall only keep the data it is explicitly interested in.

To that end, Map API organizes data in so-called chunks. At this point in the documentation, there is a choice for you. To paraphrase Morpheus:

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You don't learn about chunks -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and can use Map API for small-scale applications. You learn about chunks -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how Map API was designed to scale to arbitrary size.

If you choose not to learn about chunks:

All you need to know is how to grab all the data from the network:

table->replicateAllChunksInTheNetwork(chunk_id);  // TODO(tcies) implement.

If you choose to learn about chunks:

Chunks are groups of data from the same container that an agent can either have access to entirely, or not at all. Each chunk runs a consensus protocol which ensures that the most up-to-date shared state of the contained data is replicated on all agents. The reason for not sharing items individually is that there is overhead involved in the consensus protocol, and having more items in the same consensus group is less expensive.

Hence, the chunk size represents a middle ground between reducing the consensus protocol overhead and not forcing agents to maintain data that they are not interested in. When using a map_api::ThreadsafeCache, chunks are created automatically as new data is inserted: Chunks are filled up to a certain size, at which a new chunk is initialized for subsequent insertions.

Each chunk has an id and if an id of a chunk is known it can be retrieved as follows:


The problem is that for many use cases, the chunk-ids are not known in advance. Hence, Map API provides interfaces to listen to new chunks from the entire network or specific peers, as well as to perform queries in 3d space.

Also, note that Map API provides an interface to track data dependencies between tables.

Advanced concepts


Map API allows you to attach callbacks to network events:

// Triggered after a remote commit:

// Triggered at chunk aquisition:

// Request a specific peer to share all its chunks of a table:

// Subscribe to all new chunks from a table:

Evidently, the callbacks will only be triggered for events after the callbacks have been specified.

Spatial indices

We have seen above how to access chunks from other peers by id. Map API furthermore provides an interface to access chunks using a bounding box query in 3D space. A spatial index can be initiated for a table by extending the TableDescriptor at table definition time:

// TODO(tcies) adapt interface to doc
std::vector<size_t> cell_dimensions_m({10u, 10u, 10u});

Chunks can be associated with a bounding box using NetTable::registerChunkInSpace() or NetTable::registerChunkOfItemInSpace(). Then, they can be fetched from any peer with NetTable::getChunksInBoundingBox(). Note that this assumes consensus on a global frame of reference for the bounding box coordinates.

Data dependencies between NetTables

In many cases, you might have dependencies between items from different tables. For instance, if some type A points to several items of type B, you might want to add a mechanism that ensures that the items pointed to are available, especially since Map API does not allow search of individual items in the network for scalability reasons. Such dependencies can be comfortably added in Map API using Chunk tracking. For the above example, we would say that items of A track chunks of B: A is the tracker type, B is the trackee type.

If the dependency can be resolved only from information in a B item:

// In the cc file of your setup:
namespace map_api {
template <>
TrackerIdType determineTracker<TrackeeType, TrackerType, TrackerIdType>(
    const TrackeeType& trackee) {
  // ...
  return tracker_id;
template <>
NetTable* tableForType<typename TrackerType>() {
  return tracker_table;
}  // namespace map_api

// During setup:
    pushNewChunkIdsToTracker<TrackeeType, TrackerType, TrackerIdType>();

If more transaction-time information is needed:

// During setup:

// Before committing the transaction:
transaction.overrideTrackerIdentificationMethod(trackee_table, tracker_table,
    [&identification_helpers](const Revision& trackee_revision){
  // ...
  return tracker_id;

Either way, the transaction will now push chunk ids of newly created items in B to the corresponding items of A before committing the transaction. Note that this will update the A items even if they haven't been modified explicitly during the transaction.

Tracked chunks can then be fetched, e.g. at the beginning of a transaction:

// or, for individual items:
transaction.fetchAllChunksTrackedBy(tracker_id, tracker_table);

Auto-merging policies

As mentioned above, commit conflicts should be generally avoided by design. However, for situations where they can't be avoided, it's possible to specify auto-merging policies.

For instance, if an item contains some list that peers can add list-items to, a commit conflict would ensue if two peers would add different items at the same time. However, it could make sense in an application to not treat this as a conflict, but to instead just consolidate both additions (in fact, this is automatically done for chunk tracking).

For this example, adding such a merge policy would be achieved using the following code (assuming objectFromRevision(), objectToRevision(), getObjectDiff() and applyObjectDiff() are specialized for the item class in question):

// In the setup cc file:
bool autoMergeList(const ItemDiff& conflicting_diff, ItemDiff* diff_at_hand) {
  if (!conflicting_diff.onlyListHasChanged() || 
      !diff_at_hand->onlyListHasChanged()) {
    return false;
  const ListDiff conflicting_list_diff = conflicting_diff.getListDiff();
  ListDiff list_diff_at_hand = diff_at_hand->getListDiff();
  // Make auto-merge fail if removals are present.
  if (conflicting_list_diff.containsRemovals() || 
      list_diff_at_hand.containsRemovals()) {
    return false;
  return true;

// During setup:
// TODO(tcies) adapt interface to template on object type.

Note that several policies can be specified per table. Auto-merging will try them all until one succeeds.