The European Digital Identity Wallet
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FIDO for User Sole Contol in the EUDI Wallet
#302 opened by Anti-Myon - 2
Not compliant with eIDAS 2.0 unlinkability. No support for pseudonym PID or trustworthy identity
#305 opened by OBIvision - 1
ATAG ARF Feedback: USER VERIFIES WALLET SOLUTION - conflicting language
#258 opened by heatherdahl - 1
ATAG ARF Feedback: WALLET INSTANCE AUTHENTICATES THE PID PROVIDER OR ATTESTATION PROVIDER - removes interoperability, freedom of movement, and limits ability of use cases listed in ARF
#261 opened by heatherdahl - 1
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - representing institutions
#265 opened by heatherdahl - 1
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - supporting cryptographer's feedback
#268 opened by heatherdahl - 1
HDK Feedback: Make proof of association optional
#287 opened by sander - 1
ARF Feedback: A.2.3.9: User Authentication
#290 opened by justinbrickell - 2
Out of scope political comment
#303 opened by fabienpe - 0
Interaction between EUDI Wallets: Display the name of the User of the Requestor Wallet
#321 opened by vkalou - 0
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Improve the register the relying parties relationship
#315 opened by skounis - 1
EUIDW-4-Payments are Non-interoperable
#314 opened by cyberphone - 0
Update terminology to "controlled vocabularies"
#311 opened by skounis - 0
Remove Unnecessary Escaped Apostrophes in Markdown
#309 opened by skounis - 1
ATAG ARF Feedback: 6.1.3 Assumptions on trust - the ability to track users with correlatable identifiers is a critical flaw in the current design
#270 opened by heatherdahl - 0
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US: Add the user story title here
#301 opened by Igauci - 3
Mobile only? What about PC interactions?
#275 opened by dickhardt - 0
Review and Standardize Table Text Formatting
#292 opened by skounis - 0
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HDK Feedback: Enable distributed key management
#283 opened by sander - 6
Current ARF is not flexible and too monolithic for a successful experience and rollout - proposal for a component based certification scheme leveraging on what was already built under eiDASv1
#281 opened by itsme-id-RK - 0
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What about using existing eIDAS 1.0 building blocks to support eIDAS 2.0 model (SAML-to-OID4VP)?
#276 opened by baronsz - 0
How will EUDI fit into the larger identity ecosystem? Missing RP perspective.
#274 opened by dickhardt - 1
Security considerations, threat model, account protection, account recovery?
#273 opened by dickhardt - 0
ETSI TR 119 476 v 1.21 DID NOT solve the huge missing security elements in ARF / eIDAS 2.0
#272 opened by OBIvision - 1
ATAG ARF Feedback: 6.1.3 Assumptions on Trust - further clarification needed
#256 opened by heatherdahl - 0
#269 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - limited utility of EU Digital Wallet also limits its benefit
#267 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - Secure messaging
#266 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - Support DID methods
#264 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - improve key management
#263 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.1 Identification and access to online services - fundamental missing feature
#262 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: USER VALIDATES THAT WALLET SOLUTION IS USABLE WITH RELEVANT ATTESTATIONS - creates new market restrictions and increases complexity for people using the wallet
#260 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: USER VERIFIES WALLET SOLUTION - language clarification
#259 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 6.2.2 Wallet Provider registration and notification - prevents EU wallet and DTC in EU wallet from participating in international travel
#257 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 6.1.1 Scope - verifiable credentials as the mechanism for trust establishment to reduce cost and complexity
#255 opened by heatherdahl - 0
ATAG ARF Feedback: 2.5.2 Educational credentials and professional qualifications - Interoperabllity
#254 opened by heatherdahl