- 0
- 1
The type Serial is ambiguous.
#23 opened by rohittechzone - 5
Exported application doesn't run (Windows 10) / Load Vector doesn't work
#22 opened by FrancisDOSSANTOS - 1
Having issues with speed on homebrew machine.
#21 opened by Dingo420 - 2
OSX: Polargraph "is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash."
#20 opened by dzoba - 6
- 5
When window is scaled buttons are not usable
#14 opened by MurKit - 2
Request for reversed order in serial dropdown
#16 opened by MurKit - 5
How to run the controller on Rpi?
#18 opened by tomtobback - 1
processing 3 updates / errors
#13 opened by megrimm - 3
Communication error ?
#12 opened by martblek - 4
Repo and file confusion.
#1 opened by Intrinsically-Sublime - 4
Ubuntu error on port
#11 opened by mskogly - 2
With Ramps Steppers Not Working !
#10 opened by gumush - 1
- 1
- 2
Change zoom limits for very large machines
#2 opened by euphy - 2
Window resizing on Mac OS 10.10
#5 opened by abcdev - 1
GCode functionality no longer available
#6 opened by wandergeek - 1
- 1