
Python library (and some tools) for converting ROS bagfiles to Pandas dataframes.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

Python library (and some tools) for converting ROS bagfiles to Pandas dataframes.

Python library

import rosbag_pandas

# Convert a ROSBag to a dataframe
df = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe('data/rosout.bag')
df_exclude = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe('data/example.bag', exclude=['/scan'])
df_include = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe('data/rosout.bag', include=['/rosout'])

# Select a dataframe key based on topic and (conform msgevalgen pattern http://docs.ros.org/api/rostopic/html/)

# Obtain possible ROS topics from a selection pattern (conform msgevalgen pattern http://docs.ros.org/api/rostopic/html/)
# This will return the possible topics: /pose, /pose/pose, /pose/pose/position

Key definition

Key definition conform the msgevalgen pattern http://docs.ros.org/api/rostopic/html/). Example:


This will select the /pose/position/x property of topic /pose in the message of type http://docs.ros.org/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/PoseStamped.html.



Convert a ROS bag file to a CSV file:

usage: bag_csv [-h] [-b BAG] [-i [INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]]]
               [-e [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]] [-o OUTPUT] [-v]

Script to parse bagfile to csv file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BAG, --bag BAG     Bag file to read
  -i [INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]], --include [INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]]
                        List for topics to include
  -e [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]], --exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
                        List for topics to exclude
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        name of the output file
  -v, --verbose         Log verbose


Plot a key (or multiple keys) in a ROS bag file:

usage: bag_plot [-h] -b BAG -k [KEY [KEY ...]] [-y  YLIM YLIM] [-c] [-v]

Bagfile key to graph

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BAG, --bag BAG     Bag file to read
  -k [KEY [KEY ...]], --key [KEY [KEY ...]]
                        Key you would like to plot
  -y  YLIM YLIM, --ylim YLIM YLIM
                        Set min and max y lim
  -c, --combined        Graph them all on one
  -v, --verbose         Log verbose


bag_plot -b 2019-01-16-14-14-37.bag -k /cmd_vel/linear/x /cmd_vel/angular/z -c



Print a key (or multiple keys) in a ROS bag file:

usage: bag_print [-h] -b BAG -k [KEY [KEY ...]] [-v]

Print one or multiple bag keys

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BAG, --bag BAG     Bag file to read
  -k [KEY [KEY ...]], --key [KEY [KEY ...]]
                        Key you would like to print
  -v, --verbose         Log verbose