
Package server unreachable

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I followed your github instructions to install your package for ROS2, but I get the following error message after the sudo apt update:
Failed to fetch http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/apt-repo/dists/focal/InRelease Could not connect to packages.ez-wheel.com:8081 (, connection timed out

Some informations about the machine:
Host: Jetson Nano 4GB, arm64,
Docker images: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, ROS2 functional.

What is the procedure to resolve this problem?



You might need to add the ez-Wheel repository to your Apt sources configuration file, to be able to download our packages:

echo "deb http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/apt-repo focal main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list


The deb http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/apt-repo focal main is present in my sources.list.
When I type the following command:
wget -O - http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/archive.key --2023-09-08 13:36:19-- http://packages.ez-wheel.com:8081/archive.key Resolving packages.ez-wheel.com (packages.ez-wheel.com)... Connecting to packages.ez-wheel.com (packages.ez-wheel.com)||:8081...
I cannot reach the server, even after a few minutes.

Try :

You can try to connect with a smartphone WiFi hotspot, as sometimes companies firewall does not grant the access to our packages URL.

Problem solved. This was due to university network restrictions.
Thanks for your help.

You can ask them to add the URL, to remove firewall restrictions 😉