
Add a binding to control opacity

Closed this issue · 9 comments

F3D support --opacity to control the mesh opacity. While this is a great feature, it is not possible to modify the opacity interactively. Add a bind to do so would make F3D more reactive.

Improve suggestion

  1. Add a dedicated command to increase/decrease opacity (see light intensity command for inspiration)
  2. Add a dedicated bind to call that new command. Ctrl + T to decrase and Shift + T to increase comes to mind
  3. Add dedicated tests

Sounds like a good idea to me.
I think it will probably be addressed in F3D 3.0 with the interactor rework or at least the interactive console. Right @mwestphal ?


need: #443

This can now be adressed!

I've improved the issue so it can be contributed more easily.

First-time contributor here, I would like to work on this if possible.

Great, I've just assigned it to you.

Please join our discord if you can, more easy to discuss and help you when needed :)

@mwestphal should this issue be marked as resolved now?
