Documentation of DoctorG

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Healthcare Management System (DoctorG)

This repository contains the code for a comprehensive Healthcare Management System. It features distinct panels for Users (Patients), Doctors, and Admin, allowing for smooth management of appointments, doctor-patient interactions, and system oversight.


1. User Panel (Patient Interface)

This is the interface for patients to manage their healthcare services, book appointments, and interact with doctors.

Key Features:

  • User Registration & Login:

    • Allows patients to sign up and log in with credentials.
    • Profile creation with personal details.
  • Search for Doctors:

    • Search and filter doctors by specialization.
    • View detailed doctor profiles with qualifications, experience, and patient reviews.
  • Appointment Booking:

    • View available appointment slots for doctors.
    • Book appointments with preferred date and time for in-person consultations.
  • Appointment Management:

    • View, reschedule, or cancel upcoming appointments.
    • Receive appointment confirmations via notifications.
  • Payments:

    • Secure online payment gateway for consultation fees and other services.

2. Admin Panel

The admin panel allows system-wide management, including overseeing users, doctors, appointments, and overall system performance.

Key Features:

  • Admin Login & Dashboard:

    • Secure JWT-based login for admins.
    • Dashboard with system statistics such as number of users, appointments, and revenue.
  • User & Doctor Management:

    • Add and manage doctor profiles.
    • Provide login credentials for doctors.
  • Appointment Oversight:

    • View and manage all appointments (pending, completed, or canceled).
    • Resolve disputes related to appointments or consultations.

3. Doctor Panel

This panel allows doctors to manage their schedules, profile, patient communication, and earnings.

Key Features:

  • Doctor Registration & Login:

    • Doctors register and provide credentials for admin approval.
    • Once approved, doctors can manage their profile and appointments.
  • Profile Management:

    • Update personal and professional information including qualifications, specialties, and consultation fees.
  • Appointment Management:

    • View upcoming appointments and manage availability by marking time slots as available or unavailable.
    • Complete or cancel appointments with patients as needed.
  • Earnings & Payouts:

    • Track consultation fees and request payouts from the system.
  • Patient Communication:

    • Direct messaging or notifications to patients for follow-ups or appointment updates.
  • Analytics Dashboard:

    • View metrics on appointment volume, earnings, and patient statistics.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React (with Vite)
  • Backend: Node.js with Express
  • Database: Mongodb Atlas
  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Payment Gateway: Razorpay


  1. Clone the repository:
  • Backend
   git clone
  • User Panel (Patient Interface)
   git clone
  • Admin Panel
   git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
   npm install
  1. Set up environment variables (.env) and database configurations using .env-templates remember that the API key and seckret key is generate before starting razorpay
  2. Run the application:
   npm run dev

Feel free to contribute to the project or raise issues if you encounter any problems!