Get production values from Solax Cloud for X1 inverter and feed them into Victron Energies Venus OS DBus to make same available on CCGX and VRM portal
I wanted to get a least some values from my PV inverter into the VRM portal. Even if the limitation of this setup is, that values on Solax Cloud are only updated every 5 minutes. Solax X1 inverter offer ModBus support, but I am not that deep into it, so lets go for the cloud/RESTapi way ;-)
This project is one of my first projects on GitHub and with Victron components as well as in Python. So for this one here I cook basicaly the code from my Shelly 3EM Smartmeter into DBus integration.
- Shelly 3EM with latest firmware (20220209-094824/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d)
- 3-Phase installation (normal for Germany)
- Connected to Wifi netowrk "A"
- IP
- Victron Energy Cerbo GX with Venus OS - Firmware v2.84
- Connected to Wifi netowrk "A"
- IP
- Victron MultiPlus II 48/3000
- Solax X1 Boost 5.0 DT
- 5kW
- Wifi Stick
- Solax Cloud account with API credentials
As mentioned above the script is inspired by @RalfZim fronius smartmeter implementation. So what is the script doing:
- Running as a service
- connecting to DBus of the Venus OS
- After successful DBus connection Solax Cloud is accessed via REST-API and a JSON is returned with all details
- Serial/MAC is taken from the response as device serial
- Paths are added to the DBus with default value 0 - including some settings like name, etc
- After that a "loop" is started which pulls data every xxx ms from the REST-API and updates the values in the DBus
Thats it 😄
Just grap a copy of the main branche and copy them to /data/dbus-solax-x1-pvinverter
After that call the script.
The following script should do everything for you:
unzip "dbus-solax-x1-pvinverter-main/*" -d /data
mv /data/dbus-solax-x1-pvinverter-main /data/dbus-solax-x1-pvinverter
chmod a+x /data/dbus-solax-x1-pvinverter/
Within the project there is a file /data/dbus-solax-x1-pvinverter/config.ini
- just change the values
Section | Config vlaue | Explanation |
DEFAULT | SignOfLifeLog | Time in minutes how often a status is added to the log-file current.log with log-level INFO |
SOLAXCLOUD | Endpoint | API endpoint - should always be the same |
SOLAXCLOUD | TokenId | TokenId from Solax Cloud portal |
SOLAXCLOUD | RegNo | RegNo of inverter WifiStick |
INVERTER | Position | Refer to Victron documentation - 0=AC input 1; 1=AC output; 2=AC input 2 |
INVERTER | MaxPower | Inverter max AC power in watts |
INVERTER | GridVoltage | The voltage is not returned by RESTapi so we use this value to calculate the current based on power |
INVERTER | Phase | Phase your inverter is connected to |
- DBus paths for Victron namespace
- DBus API from Victron
- How to get root access on GX device/Venus OS
- looked up some details here for SunSpec emulation
- wanted to make it a fronius device - here are some details
- If you need to add additional Python modules - here you go, but not needed for the project
This module/repository has been posted on the following threads: