Pinned issues
- 2
State and move to CIRCT
#254 opened by ecstrema - 0
How to use Moore to covert VHDL?
#253 opened by HNULiMingyuan - 3
Build fails due to type deduction
#251 opened by snarlawar123 - 2
Desync between cargo build and repo.
#248 opened by samerogers - 2
- 5
Build and Install problems in moore
#244 opened by DeepFlyingSky - 4
Failing to build on Mac
#245 opened by gussmith23 - 7
building error? cannot find MLIRExecutionEngine?
#240 opened by Joejiong - 1
Is there a plan to support System Verilog features like Classes/Constraints/Interfaces?
#239 opened by jainamq - 0
Eliminate HIR in favor of AST-specific queries
#237 opened by fabianschuiki - 9
Add Moore MIR dialect and move codegen to CIRCT
#235 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Remove legacy LLHD crate codegen and dependency
#236 opened by fabianschuiki - 4
Add CIRCT HW/Comb/LLHD as backend
#232 opened by maerhart - 0
Fix parsing of function calls as statements
#213 opened by fabianschuiki - 2
Is there a plan to implent moore in c++?
#233 opened by hunterzju - 1
problems about ports when build in hierachy
#231 opened by Zhangyanting-1997 - 0
problems about ports when build in hierachy
#230 opened by Zhangyanting-1997 - 4
Generate items ignored in svlog output
#228 opened by WonHoYoo - 1
Consider adding support for importing / exporting UHDM
#229 opened by mithro - 1
- 1
Non-constant case item not supported
#227 opened by zyedidia - 0
Declare module names in a separate namespace
#226 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Add option to treat unknown modules as external
#225 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Possible bug in port type carry-over logic
#224 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
- 0
Add option to emit MLIR output
#221 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Completely migrate to the new query system
#210 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
- 1
Installation problem
#217 opened by Partidani - 2
Compilation fails on DFF module
#218 opened by SeanMcLoughlin - 2
Failed installation
#216 opened by SJFeldt - 3
How to generate reg primitive?
#215 opened by wbouillo - 0
- 0
Switch to codespan crate
#212 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Implement RST visitor
#211 opened by fabianschuiki - 2
- 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
Consider range offset when indexing
#194 opened by fabianschuiki - 1
Wrong output for accumulator example from LLHD paper
#197 opened by maerhart - 0
Unexpected error: "value is not constant"
#198 opened by maerhart - 2
Compiler bug elaborating svlog with interface modports
#199 opened by dicta - 1
- 0
Implement $low, $high, $isunknown
#204 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Make unsupported system tasks an error
#206 opened by fabianschuiki - 2
Questions about moore-vhdl-syntax
#203 opened by m-kru - 0
- 0
Support non-const `2**N` expressions in codegen
#193 opened by fabianschuiki - 0
Statement is not a valid genvar initialization
#192 opened by thommythomaso