Given a set of URLs, this packages detects coordinated link sharing behavior on social media and outputs the network of entities that performed such behaviour.
- 2
- 2
Example CT posts/search code?
#36 opened by networks1 - 4
get_coord_shares() issue
#35 opened by aqibufu - 6
get_ctshares() issue
#34 opened by aqibufu - 8
- 4
- 2
- 1
Error from `get_component_summary`: Could not found object 'account.avg.subscriberCount'
#30 opened by billy3321 - 4
- 2
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column `link` doesn't exist.
#26 opened by PiyushKyushu - 1
Object 'account.handle' not found
#25 opened by josefslerka - 15
- 2
ctshares VS ct_shares_marked
#22 opened by estebanpdl - 4
- 2
- 2
Error 500 when consulting CT
#20 opened by artislg - 5
- 1
Component summary
#9 opened by fabiogiglietto - 7
get_coord_shares throws error
#12 opened by networks1 - 2
- 0
- 3
get_coord_share issue
#4 opened by nicolarighetti - 0
Log the number of initial URLs
#5 opened by fabiogiglietto - 0