A developer focused sample SDK that allows game and virtual Reality devs to be able to easily and quickly integrate 360 photo/video capture capability into their game apps.
- a8lo
- agilgur5Greater NYC
- akingNow: EpicGames iOS Platform Engineer. Prev: 3D Game Programmer (NDS/Wii/iOS/PSP/Android)
- amymCanada
- andreleNew York
- BezariusNekki
- Calvin-Huang@CapsLock-Studio
- chenchen2015Apple Inc., Previously @MacIver-Lab Northwestern University
- choweiyuanAccenture
- crookookoo
- DayBySayGREE, Inc.
- dpvreonyUK
- Edozie101zegtel.com
- enesserChicago, IL
- ethanjyxklarity.ai
- fathahnoor@telkomuniversity
- fresh08
- imgntnSan Francisco, CA
- ImpossibleUnity Technologies
- jamesoloughlin
- jhurlbutSan Francisco
- L1247Taichung,Taiwan
- matthewgard1
- miguelbandera
- mori2k12blnFreelancer
- musofan@NeXT-Scene
- nikolay@withcodery
- ph0bIntel Corporation
- RadicaLee
- smirk666hsu
- timlu33Taipei
- tzyu
- unitycoderElomatic Oy
- usunyu@ocean-avenue @latham-street @reduceus @evereal
- zteffff