This repo provides the source code for "Cross-Domain Adaptive Teacher for Object Detection".
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How to conduct ablation experiments, set the corresponding Loss to 0, or remove the corresponding module from the model?
#63 opened by Donghuan777 - 2
FloatingPointError: Predicted boxes or scores contain Inf/NaN. Training has diverged.
#71 opened by ouyang11111 - 0
gtfine problem
#72 opened by PlutoNov - 3
TypeError: register_buffer() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
#55 opened by HaroldHuanrongLIU - 2
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About VGG16 pre-trained on ImageNet
#36 opened by pengjw23 - 0
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dataseed/COCO_supervision.txt'
#70 opened by Manjuphoenix - 1
RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device
#65 opened by Manjuphoenix - 0
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Selecting custom classes from dataset
#68 opened by Manjuphoenix - 0
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Save teacher weight
#64 opened by ShenZheng2000 - 2
How to get the AP of each label?
#59 opened by judyxt - 0
How to visualize the predicted results on pictures using the pretrained model?
#61 opened by Donghuan777 - 1
How to train with the coco format datasets?
#54 opened by Donghuan777 - 0
#60 opened by Donghuan777 - 1
backbone modification
#58 opened by achintski - 1
The Beta parameter of Foggy Cityscapes
#56 opened by lch1999 - 0
Error while loading pretrained model weights from `detectron2://ImageNetPretrained/MSRA/R-101.pkl` for training with custom dataset
#49 opened by hnanacc - 1
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what is crop ratio?
#52 opened by victor00070 - 6
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How to open the output file
#53 opened by fatherplus - 1
resnet backbone dont converge
#48 opened by victor00070 - 1
how to change backbone to resnet
#47 opened by victor00070 - 3
Can adaptive teacher use one-stage detector?
#34 opened by huanmx - 1
Teacher or Student model at inference time?
#39 opened by cmckee13 - 4
Why 2 seperate annotation files?
#45 opened by victor00070 - 0
Very low performance during evaluation
#46 opened by victor00070 - 12
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How to calculate mAP of model and mAP of each class, I tried to use sample code, but can not, how to solve?
#43 opened by zhezhejunyyds - 1
Memory Leak
#44 opened by GeoffreyChen777 - 1
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About discriminator in the paper
#38 opened by YangJae96 - 1
detectron2 v0.6 has removed FastRCNNOutputs class
#40 opened by alvinti - 7
Can not reproduce the results on "foggy cityscapes" due to Out of Memory Issue
#33 opened by onkarkris - 2
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Why your test scale is larger than 600?
#37 opened by Yorionice1 - 3
some puzzles about using "branch.startswith("supervised")" in adapteacher/modeling/meta_arch/rcnn.py
#32 opened by gedebachichi - 1
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Pre-trained VGG16 on ImageNet not shared?
#29 opened by mecarill - 4
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Optimal number of learning iterations
#26 opened by miurakenichi - 3
Loss becomes NaN
#25 opened by miurakenichi - 2
Evaluation for each category
#22 opened by helq2612