- 0
Looking for a speaker to talk about beanmachine
#1837 opened by bparbhu - 1
Simulate calls queried functions
#1832 opened by BerndSchuscha - 1
pytorch 2.0 test failures
#1829 opened by ndmlny-qs - 1
Diagnostic tool with summary tab
#1818 opened by ndmlny-qs - 1
Marginal 2D labels
#1815 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
Marginal point statistic choice
#1817 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
MCS `__repr_html__`
#1816 opened by ndmlny-qs - 3
- 10
Using var_names argument in Arviz plots raise 'RVIdentifier' object has no attribute 'startswith'
#1564 opened by feynmanliang - 5
[Feature Request] Support NNC/torchinductor usage in gpytorch + GlobalNUTS integration
#1665 opened by feynmanliang - 3
- 0
Migrating Inference Data creation code to Arviz
#1640 opened by zaxtax - 4
Arviz diagnostics plots do not properly handle non-scalar random variables
#1563 opened by feynmanliang - 1
Accessing params in SVI
#1624 opened by zaxtax - 1
GlobalNoUTurnSampler slow with adapt_step_size=True
#1593 opened by rusty-robin - 0
- 3
ERROR: Could not build wheels for beanmachine, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
#1432 opened by himaghna - 5
Error during install
#1516 opened by noamsgl - 6
[Feature Request] visual diagnostic tools
#1490 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
handle HTML in MD cells for tutorials
#1473 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
tutorial converter mangles links
#1465 opened by ndmlny-qs - 1
Update tutorial ``
#1337 opened by ndmlny-qs - 3
Use bokehjs for documentation
#1348 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
Bokeh Docusaurus widgets
#1406 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
Update notebook converter for diagnostics tools
#1428 opened by ndmlny-qs - 2
Missing figures in tutorials
#1482 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
update plotting components
#1471 opened by ndmlny-qs - 2
discussions feature
#1464 opened by ndmlny-qs - 1
Install JupyterLab instead of Jupyter
#1479 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
Pandas DataFrame display
#1468 opened by ndmlny-qs - 8
Cannot Install from source and Anaconda
#1433 opened by himaghna - 0
#1443 opened by adamisetty - 0
- 2
Linear regression tutorial mixing
#1404 opened by ndmlny-qs - 0
Tutorials documentation (sidebar)
#1346 opened by ndmlny-qs - 1
Writing equivalent program
#1397 opened by adamisetty - 2
Bean Machine (BMG) installation errors on M1/M2 Macs
#1400 opened by jpchen - 2
Instructions at fail
#1388 opened by gafter - 1
[feature request] community forum
#1364 opened by sdementen - 4
[Feature Request] Adding Optimization as Inference and extending Optimization to Compositional Inference
#1361 opened by jakee417 - 3
Running chains in parallel
#1350 opened by javiermas - 9
- 8
Colab & Bokeh persistence
#1345 opened by ndmlny-qs - 4
- 2
Simple model inference problem
#1335 opened by andreaRapuzzi - 2
[Feature Request] add a progress bar for BMGInference
#1314 opened by sdementen - 0
[Feature Request] ipynb to mdx converter
#1277 opened by ndmlny-qs - 3
Error on pip install with source builds
#1307 opened by feynmanliang - 3
Invalid proposal solutions
#1311 opened by samvoisin - 6
Issues trying to fit a basic model in Bean Machine
#1305 opened by dougj892