Deal or No Deal? End-to-End Learning for Negotiation Dialogues
- aboyonSoftware Contractor
- amansoniAston University
- anderson@Kazap
- antanarisLifecycle
- ArunkumarRamananAI Founder @Deep-Brainz & Stealth AI Labs
- asez73
- Azriel-angelFrance-Canada
- bebekimAlways Be Coding
- cristianVergaraSepulvedasantiago de chile
- crypes
- fanfannothing百度
- HandWang
- hello-web
- hohoCodeUniversity of Maryland College Park
- iamsilealibaba
- idealedge
- jamesliuBay Jarvis
- jhcloos
- JoxebusEncora, Inc.
- justicelee
- kcant
- montecchyo
- philgoochLondon
- phuysmans@pythagoria @afriwise
- plume
- prlosanaMetaverse
- ranjan42
- rcesarGSW
- RoketteItRokette It Solutions
- search4mahesh
- Shirish-Singh
- stilayeWestminster,CO
- thsonvt
- vshabelnykVenmate
- WiLLStenico
- zamlutti@nubank