
Software Architecture of Project Aria Tools

0-1deathtouch opened this issue · 9 comments

Hello @nickcharron,

I'm working with Josiah on a school project and we've selected Project Aria Tools to work on. For the first part of the project we need to compare the actual architecture to the as-intended architecture. Is there any information you can share about the as-intended architecture? Either a design diagram or a text description would work great.

Thanks and take care,
Alanna Koser

Thank you for reaching out and asking questions.

As today our philosophy is to organize the code as the following:

We may have some improvements to do in order to refactor/move some code in the Tools section in clear C++/Python folder that would be nice to take on as a first task by the community.

  • If you are interested, I can describe the possible task in more details, and we can follow up on that

I also invite you to elaborate on your initial question and help us move toward your question (is it on Architectural design pattern ..., code architecture, ...)

Any info you could give on architectural design patterns or styles would be great, but if you don't have that info on major design decisions would work. Right now we are working off of info gleaned from the documentation pages, which is probably enough, but we'll take any additional information you could give us.

I'm asking the professor whether we can get credit for refactoring. I'll let you know once I hear back.

Thank you for your response!

Unfortunately we cannot get credit for refactoring. It needs to be new code. Let us know if you have ideas for additional functionality!

Would you like to implement a new python code sample?

I.e we are lacking code example to show how to manipulate sound data with our API and such feature would be welcomed

That sounds like a pretty interesting thing to work on. Can you clarify what you mean by code sample? Would that be implementing an additional feature or just an example of how a user could implement it?

I would see it first as a code sample shared here https://github.com/facebookresearch/projectaria_tools/tree/main/tools/samples/python as vrs_to_wav
and then we can see how to migrate it to the API.

@SeaOtocinclus do you know if there is any public documentation on architectures or patterns used in the Open Source Project Aria? Specifically we're trying to identify and isolate design patterns like MVC, Factory model (which seem to be present), and also any security design patterns (Oauth?) as well. Any information is greatly appreciated!

@SeaOtocinclus @nickcharron @xiaqingp-meta Hey guys, so we've been working to create architecture diagrams of Project Aria to try and determine patterns and styles. So far we have a pretty good encapsulation of the MVC architecture. If anybody is interested to take a look or perhaps offer feedback on our diagram, we would be extremely grateful!

Closing this one, we will follow up on #95