Locobot Navigation tutorial
Mitchelldscott opened this issue · 4 comments
Steps to reproduce
1.) Use Ubuntu 18.04 and python3
2.) Run the full installation for Locobot
-locobot_install_all -t full -p 3 -l interbotix
3.) Follow the navigation tutorial.
- In one console
source low_cost_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch locobot_control main.launch use_base:=true use_sim:=true
- In another console
source pyenv_pyrobot_python3/bin/activate
source pyrobot_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
(using alias)
rosrun locobot_riss CircleDr.py
**locobot_riss is a package I created with nothing more than the CircleDr.py file. This package was not created with dependencies.
Observed Results
Expected Results
This should cause the Locobot to drive in a large circle. This problem does not occur when installing the simulation only. From what I have read online this is an issue with the python version binding to a *.so file. That is far beyond me so I hope that someone here will have a more informed opinion.
Relevant Code
You seem to be working with a non-standard code supported by us? How is your pyro_ws
Can you confirm that the examples mentioned in tutorial are working?
I have not tried any examples other than the navigation. I changed the names of some workspaces in the install script but the configuration is the same. I tried this with the normal facebookresearch install script as well and got the same issue.
Please try the examples and let me know. Also, rosrun is not the standard way of running any pyrobot scripts unless properly compiled with the right paths.
Good news I got the examples to work and soon after, my own scripts too. On multiple occasions I have run into an issue no module named netifaces which pops up in rosgraph.py. Im not sure if you have seen this but I fixed it by re-installing. Also While I have spent the last few days periodically running my script to make sure that the issue is truly resolved. I have seen the above issue pop up now and again, but I must be screwing up what I source when running things. Just to be totally clear I run the launch script in low_cost_ws, then I run my script in low_cost + pyrobot_catkin_ws + pyenv_pyrobot_python3(respectively). The navigation tutorial online only says to source the py3 env but I get a missing pyrobot-bridge w/out low_cost_ws and w/out pyrobot_catkin_ws I get a the above error (of course without either I get a missing locobot_control package error). Also running the launch with pyrobot_catkin_ws can lead to these errors.