Visualize class information in
gabrieleangeletti opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi, thanks for the amazing work!
I ran
on my own point cloud and successfully generated bounding box predictions. Now I would like to generate a ply in which bounding boxes have different colors based on the predicted class. I'm guessing that can be achieved by modifying the models.dump_helper.dump_results
function. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how to achieve this?
I haven't tried yet but here is a possible lead:
You should look at this function write_oriented_bbox
, it uses trimesh to create a bounding box.
If you check the trimesh documentation you can find this. I guess that you have to add a line in write_orriented_bbox
to set a color to all the faces of the "box" mesh.
I planned to do that soon but it's not yet my priority. Tell me if you succeed :)
Hello again,
So I tried something with 2 classes and it seems to work. What I did is:
Change the write_oriented_bbox
def write_oriented_bbox_rotmat(scene_bbox, out_filename, class_ids):
def convert_oriented_box_to_trimesh_fmt(box, class_id):
box_trimesh_fmt =, trns)
box_trimesh_fmt.visual.face_colors= trimesh.visual.to_rgba(colors=[255,0,0])
box_trimesh_fmt.visual.face_colors= trimesh.visual.to_rgba(colors=[0,255,0])
return box_trimesh_fmt
scene = trimesh.scene.Scene()
for box, class_id in zip(scene_bbox,class_ids):
mesh_list = trimesh.util.concatenate(scene.dump())
# save to ply file
mesh_list.export(out_filename, file_type='ply')
and change dump_helper
accordingly. Basically, I just keep the predicted_heading_class in an array and put this array as a parameter for the write_oriented_bbox function depending on what we should keep (same indices as obbs, the first parameter).
Hello, it worked perfectly thank you! By the way, I first opened the result in CloudCompare and was still seeing everything in green, but it works in MeshLab.
Hai. I have changed the files as indicated by @IliasMAOUDJ in, couldn't bring myself to apply the changes accordingly to the Could one be so kind as to share the snippets in which the changes must be made/the changes that has to be made.
Would very much appreciate it, and thanks in advance!
#Dump predicted bounding boxes
if np.sum(objectness_prob>DUMP_CONF_THRESH)>0:
num_proposal = pred_center.shape[1]
obbs = []
class_ids = []
for j in range(num_proposal):
obb = config.param2obb(pred_center[i,j,0:3], pred_heading_class[i,j], pred_heading_residual[i,j],
pred_size_class[i,j], pred_size_residual[i,j])
if len(obbs)>0:
obbs = np.vstack(tuple(obbs)) # (num_proposal, 7)
class_ids = np.vstack(tuple(class_ids))
os.path.join(dump_dir, '%06d_pred_confident_bbox.ply'%(idx_beg+i)),
pc_util.write_oriented_bbox_rotmat(obbs[np.logical_and(objectness_prob>DUMP_CONF_THRESH, pred_mask[i,:]==1),:],
os.path.join(dump_dir, '%06d_pred_confident_nms_bbox.ply'%(idx_beg+i)),
class_ids[np.logical_and(objectness_prob>DUMP_CONF_THRESH, pred_mask[i,:]==1),:])
pc_util.write_oriented_bbox_rotmat(obbs[pred_mask[i,:]==1,:], os.path.join(dump_dir, '%06d_pred_nms_bbox.ply'%(idx_beg+i)),class_ids[pred_mask[i,:]==1,:])
pc_util.write_oriented_bbox_rotmat(obbs, os.path.join(dump_dir, '%06d_pred_bbox.ply'%(idx_beg+i)),class_ids)
In the part of the code where all the bbox are computed, just add the "class" argument. It is possible that other parts of my code are changed compared to the original but I haven't used this code for a year now, so I don't remember everything.
Hello @gabrieleangeletti ,
I am also going to use my PC data with Votenet. If possible, could you share with me how can I use with my data?