
Directx9 Hook with ImGui menu (x86 / x64)

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

D3D9 hook + ImGui

Internal hook for any game using DirectX9 and Imgui to render a menu it works on x86 & x64


You can build it using Visual Studio and opening the solution file. (.sln) You have to install the Microsoft DirectX SDK 2010 with the default settings!

If needed here are the steps:

Project > Propreties > Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories:

Inlcude Directories:

Library Directories:

  • Include detours/x86/ or detours/x64/ depending what you need
  • Include Microsoft DirectX SDK 2010 Lib/x86/ or Lib/x64/ folder

Disclaimer This hook can be improved. Check out Guided Hacking if you need to understand how it works --> Guided Hacking

Detours Lib: https://github.com/microsoft/Detours

To compile yourself the lib using Visual Studio 2022 open a CMD and type the following:

cd Detours/src/

# X86
CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"

# X64 :
CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

D3D9 Methods Table:

D3D9 Methods Table:
[0]   QueryInterface
[1]   AddRef
[2]   Release
[3]   TestCooperativeLevel
[4]   GetAvailableTextureMem
[5]   EvictManagedResources
[6]   GetDirect3D
[7]   GetDeviceCaps
[8]   GetDisplayMode
[9]   GetCreationParameters
[10]  SetCursorProperties
[11]  SetCursorPosition
[12]  ShowCursor
[13]  CreateAdditionalSwapChain
[14]  GetSwapChain
[15]  GetNumberOfSwapChains
[16]  Reset
[17]  Present
[18]  GetBackBuffer
[19]  GetRasterStatus
[20]  SetDialogBoxMode
[21]  SetGammaRamp
[22]  GetGammaRamp
[23]  CreateTexture
[24]  CreateVolumeTexture
[25]  CreateCubeTexture
[26]  CreateVertexBuffer
[27]  CreateIndexBuffer
[28]  CreateRenderTarget
[29]  CreateDepthStencilSurface
[30]  UpdateSurface
[31]  UpdateTexture
[32]  GetRenderTargetData
[33]  GetFrontBufferData
[34]  StretchRect
[35]  ColorFill
[36]  CreateOffscreenPlainSurface
[37]  SetRenderTarget
[38]  GetRenderTarget
[39]  SetDepthStencilSurface
[40]  GetDepthStencilSurface
[41]  BeginScene
[42]  EndScene
[43]  Clear
[44]  SetTransform
[45]  GetTransform
[46]  MultiplyTransform
[47]  SetViewport
[48]  GetViewport
[49]  SetMaterial
[50]  GetMaterial
[51]  SetLight
[52]  GetLight
[53]  LightEnable
[54]  GetLightEnable
[55]  SetClipPlane
[56]  GetClipPlane
[57]  SetRenderState
[58]  GetRenderState
[59]  CreateStateBlock
[60]  BeginStateBlock
[61]  EndStateBlock
[62]  SetClipStatus
[63]  GetClipStatus
[64]  GetTexture
[65]  SetTexture
[66]  GetTextureStageState
[67]  SetTextureStageState
[68]  GetSamplerState
[69]  SetSamplerState
[70]  ValidateDevice
[71]  SetPaletteEntries
[72]  GetPaletteEntries
[73]  SetCurrentTexturePalette
[74]  GetCurrentTexturePalette
[75]  SetScissorRect
[76]  GetScissorRect
[77]  SetSoftwareVertexProcessing
[78]  GetSoftwareVertexProcessing
[79]  SetNPatchMode
[80]  GetNPatchMode
[81]  DrawPrimitive
[82]  DrawIndexedPrimitive
[83]  DrawPrimitiveUP
[84]  DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP
[85]  ProcessVertices
[86]  CreateVertexDeclaration
[87]  SetVertexDeclaration
[88]  GetVertexDeclaration
[89]  SetFVF
[90]  GetFVF
[91]  CreateVertexShader
[92]  SetVertexShader
[93]  GetVertexShader
[94]  SetVertexShaderConstantF
[95]  GetVertexShaderConstantF
[96]  SetVertexShaderConstantI
[97]  GetVertexShaderConstantI
[98]  SetVertexShaderConstantB
[99]  GetVertexShaderConstantB
[100] SetStreamSource
[101] GetStreamSource
[102] SetStreamSourceFreq
[103] GetStreamSourceFreq
[104] SetIndices
[105] GetIndices
[106] CreatePixelShader
[107] SetPixelShader
[108] GetPixelShader
[109] SetPixelShaderConstantF
[110] GetPixelShaderConstantF
[111] SetPixelShaderConstantI
[112] GetPixelShaderConstantI
[113] SetPixelShaderConstantB
[114] GetPixelShaderConstantB
[115] DrawRectPatch
[116] DrawTriPatch
[117] DeletePatch
[118] CreateQuery