Graphical tool for modeling PDDL domains.

Primary LanguageC++


Graphical tool for modeling PDDL domains. This work is originally a student project. Back in 2010 it was presented at KEPS conference (pdf). Technical documentation is available at wiki.

If you find it useful please cite:

  title={Visual design of planning domains},
  author={J. Vodr\'{a}\v{z}ka and L. Chrpa},
  booktitle={KEPS 2010: Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling},

Compilation - Linux


It is possible to compile VIZ for linux platform with following libraries:

  1. development kit for Qt 5 (development libraries and qmake - Makefile generator for Qt). You can check this by running qmake --version. QT version can be set in current shell using the QT_SELECT environment variable (e.g. export QT_SELECT=qt5).
  2. development libraries for the igraph library

You will also need some C++ compiler - reasonable recent gcc should do well (this howto was tested with version 5.4.0).


When using Debian based distro, you can obtain all development libraries from repository. e.g.:

$ apt-get install libigraph0-dev qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake build-essential

Compilation process

  1. Suppose you cloned VIZ source from GitHub

  2. Next step is to create .pro file which is used by qmake for Makefile generation. Run command:

$ qmake -project -o VIZ.pro

this will create file VIZ.pro

  1. Now you need to alter VIZ.pro file. The file should contain these lines at the begining:

You need to append include to INCLUDEPATH:

INCLUDEPATH += . include

Following lines are to be added (alter the path to igraph libraries according to your system):

QT += xml widgets
LIBS += -ligraph
  1. Generation of Makefile with qmake is now possible:
$ qmake -makefile
  1. Now just run make:
$ make

If everything is OK you will have compiled binary named VIZ. In order to run it, shared library for igraph called libigraph.so should be available.