
A proxy written in python to solo mine VEIL using mining software other than TT-Miner.

Primary LanguagePython

VEIL node stratum proxy

This proxy written in python implements a simple stratum protocol which most of the mining software out there should understand (tested with T-Rex, WildRig and xmrig miner), in order to be able to solo mine VEIL directly using a full local node and the mining software of your choice, without the need to use a mining pool or the only miner which currently supports mining directly to a node (TT-Miner).

The proxy can be used to mine both ProgPoW VEIL and RandomX VEIL.


  1. Setup your VEIL full node as described in https://veil-project.com/blog/2020-mineafterhardfork/.

    NOTE: Make sure you are running wallet version v1.2.4.1 or higher.

    An example working veil.conf file is the following:


    NOTE: Replace rpcuser, rpcpassword and <your-mining-address> accordingly. <your-mining-address> must be a basecoin address which you can generate in the desktop wallet under Settings > Advanced Options > Console > getnewbasecoinaddress.

  2. Setup the proxy:

    Install python dependencies (python 3 required):

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Start the proxy:

    # Replace veil:veil by your rpcuser:rpcpassword from veil.conf
    # You can use option -a to change the listen address
    # You can use option -j to show jobs in the log
    python3 veilproxy.py -p 5555 -n http://veil:veil@ -j
  3. Start your miner! Note that username and password for the proxy can be anything.

    Example for T-Rex ProgPoW miner:

    # For Linux
    ./t-rex --validate-shares -a progpow-veil --coin veil -o stratum+tcp:// -u x -p x
    # For Windows
    t-rex.exe --validate-shares -a progpow-veil --coin veil -o stratum+tcp:// -u x -p x

    Example for WildRig ProgPoW miner:

    # For Linux
    ./wildrig --print-full -a progpow-veil -o -u x -p x
    # For Windows
    wildrig.exe --print-full -a progpow-veil -o -u x -p x

    Example for xmrig RandomX miner:

    # For Linux
    ./xmrig -o -u x -p x
    # For Windows
    xmrig.exe -o -u x -p x

    NOTE: xmrig with VEIL support is not yet released. Until then, you have to build it from source. To do this, follow the official xmrig build guide, but use the repository https://github.com/us77ipis/xmrig-veil instead of https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig. This note will be updated once the changes are merged into the official xmrig repository.


Donations are on a voluntary basis and of course always much appreciated! Thanks!

VEIL: sv1qqpjsrc60t60jhaywj5krmwla52ska70twc7wun6qnee65guxhvtxegpqwhuxypra4jn3pq86s24ryltcw6g2ss4573hyqac9u4g23m9mvxpyqqqwny49k