
First meeting

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@bubblenote and @iainbarclay, our first meeting is scheduled for Sunday June 10 at 2 pm EST.

I based this off of the doodle poll.

Please join the following virtual room: https://zoom.us/j/6938611688.

I will share my screen and we can talk about the project and delegate work!

Can't wait to meet you both.


Sorry just saw your messages! Thank you for attending.

I am sending an email now with the video recording of the 2nd half of the meeting.

Major takeaways:

(1) By this Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th, we all will finish reading the white paper (https://colony.io/whitepaper.pdf) and Colony Docs (https://joincolony.github.io/colonynetwork/docs-colony). And Emily and Ian will provide feedback on what we should leverage in our dApp/Colony.

(2) Emily and Ian will update Farah on issue: #7, by Wednesday the 13th

(3) Ian will create copy for the homepage website copy: #2

(4) Farah will finish the MVP dApp by Sunday June 17.

(5) June 18 or 19, all three of us will do a 3-minute product demo video. It'll be a recorded Zoom chat. And we will submit that with our code base for the hackathon submission

(6) Farah will create a pitch deck, to also go with the product video and code base: #8