The solution code is in master-worker.c
To run the code, use the following command:
gcc master-worker.c -o master-worker.o -lpthread
./master-worker.o <number-of-items> <max-buffer-size> <number-of-worker> <number-of-producer>
To test the code, use test-reader-pref.cpp
To compile and run the code, use the following commands:
g++ rwlock-reader-pref.cpp -o rwlock-reader-pref.o -lpthread
./rwlock-reader-pref.o <number-of-readers> <number-of-writers>
To test the code, use test-writer-pref.cpp
To compile and run the code, use the following commands:
g++ rwlock-writer-pref.cpp -o rwlock-writer-pref.o -lpthread
./rwlock-writer-pref.o <number-of-readers> <number-of-writers>
To test the code, use test-zem.c
To compile and run the code, use the following commands:
gcc zemaphore.c test-zem.c -o test-zem.o -lpthread
There are multiple databases and one server. More than one client can connect to the server at a time and can request access to a database. The request will only be granted by the server if there is no other client accessing the requested database.
g++ cv-server-client-database.cpp -o cv-server-client-database.out -lpthread
g++ zemaphore.c zema-server-client-database.cpp -o zema-server-client-database.out -lpthread