Provide extra protocols to make like Fever, NewsBlur, Nextcloud/ownCloud News and Tiny Tiny RSS work with elfeed
Emacs LispGPL-3.0
- alphapapaUSA
- articuluxe
- bbigrasLaval, Québec
- branch14@twohundredok
- chneebCelonis
- christoph00
- denisse-dev@ArchLinux @wikimedia
- dustinswanVisionable
- edmundmiller@seqeralabs
- emacsomancerLinguistics / UofU
- fichtl
- fuyu0425Georgia Tech
- inickeySochi, Russia
- jacobdillon
- jahkeup@aws
- jajpater
- JohnJohnstoneAberdeenshire, UK
- justexercises
- Kaligule
- kimonoki@the-virtual-brain
- leotakuAustria
- meatcarAlipes
- munen200ok GmbH
- neeasade
- nickgiardina
- panmengguan
- panoptic
- punchagan@tarides
- rbugajewski@CocobitSoftware
- samspo
- SodawareNorth Carolina
- ssh3
- tasmoEU
- vdemeesterRed Hat
- vishalbelsare
- wigustThe land of lisp