- 1
Use our Git Helper as part of the worker
#966 opened by KrauseFx - 1
- 3
- 4
Signup /setup flow not working
#978 opened by WildStudio - 2
- 1
Publish sub-tools on RubyGems before beta release
#981 opened by KrauseFx - 1
Remove unused code from services
#982 opened by KrauseFx - 1
Audit NPM vulnerabilities
#1006 opened by nakhbari - 2
Getting list of projects takes quite some time
#1009 opened by nakhbari - 1
Account creation
#1011 opened by nakhbari - 7
JSON POST endpoint to create config repo
#1012 opened by nakhbari - 1
- 6
Onboarding workflow fails with "Repository creation failed; message: name already exists on this account" when trying to set FASTLANE_CI_REPO_URL
#1019 opened by bogdanbrato - 1
Git branching strategy
#1026 opened by Ashraf-Ali-aa - 1
New workers should be created for new projects
#1030 opened by nakhbari - 7
Unable to add new projects: Invalid Lane Name
#1052 opened by anshulagl - 2
Build logs formatting
#1054 opened by nakhbari - 1
Project Settings Dialog
#1060 opened by nakhbari - 2 command not found
#1065 opened by Aravindios - 5
- 1
Each project should define a default branch
#1080 opened by KrauseFx - 1
- 1
- 1
Vagrant provisioning failure
#1090 opened by mikelrob - 2
- 1
Build details should show the build status
#1111 opened by KrauseFx - 2
New projects should always have a manual trigger
#1112 opened by KrauseFx - 1
docker deployment 502 under nginx proxy
#1113 opened by Colstuwjx - 0
Blank page after bundle exec rake dev
#1118 opened by savvygit - 2
- 5
Websocket Logs are backfilled
#1041 opened by nakhbari - 0
Fix tests that broke recently
#1084 opened by KrauseFx - 2
update websocket client for builds.
#1089 opened by snatchev - 0
Link to build output uses old _erb template
#1075 opened by KrauseFx - 1
- 3
Crash on startup after pulling master
#1069 opened by taquitos - 3
Endpoint to create an Account given an API Token
#1013 opened by nakhbari - 6
File serving endpoints broken while running Build
#1031 opened by nakhbari - 1
JSON GET to get the User's email from API token
#1010 opened by nakhbari - 4
- 2
Broken tests for settings
#993 opened by taquitos - 0
- 0
Git hooks
#1001 opened by Ashraf-Ali-aa - 2
Update Sinatra to >=2.0.2 for vulnerability
#983 opened by powerivq - 0
- 9
- 2
- 4
Step 5 fails (bundle install from Using
#985 opened by androuis - 2
KrauseFx:patch-1 branch for google-cloud-ruby deleted
#984 opened by kerry - 1
unable to build webapp due to incorrect reference in dashboard.module.ts
#976 opened by irfanahmadein