
A compact package for undistorting images directly from kalibr calibration files. Can also perform dense stereo estimation

Primary LanguageC++

image_undistort exists to handle all the odd situations image_proc doesn't quite cover. Some examples of this are

  • working with images that don't have a camera_info topic
  • undistortion of images using equidistant or other less common camera models
  • turning a location in a distorted image into a bearing vector

If you have an image undistortion / stereo imaging problem that the library doesn't cover, create an issue and I'll look at adding it. Note that the automatic image size approach used will fail for cameras with a fov greater than 180 degrees.

This repo contains six related ros nodes-

  • image_undistort_node: Undistorts and changes images intrinsics and resolution.
  • stereo_info_node: Calculates the camera information needed for stereo rectification.
  • stereo_undistort_node: Combines the functionality of the above two nodes to perform stereo image rectification.
  • depth_node: Converts two undistorted images and their camera information into a disparity image and a pointcloud.
  • dense_stereo_node: Performs the full dense stereo estimation (internally this node is just the stereo_undistort nodelet and the depth nodelet).
  • point_to_bearing_node: Takes in a 2D image location and transforms it into a bearing vector.


Image undistort depends on ROS, OpenCV and Eigen. The point to bearing node also depends on NLopt (installed with apt install libnlopt-dev) and will only be built if it is found.


A simple node for undistorting images. Handles plumb bob (aka radial-tangential), fov and equidistant distortion models. It can either use standard ros camera_info topics or load camera models in a form that is compatible with the camchain.yaml files produced by Kalibr. Note this node can also be run as a nodelet named image_undistort/ImageUndistort

The node has several possible use cases:

  • Undistort images. The default usage of the node, outputting an undistorted version of an input image.
  • Modify the image resolution and intrinsics. The node supports projecting from and to any valid projection matrix and resolution.
  • Provide a camera_info topic for an image. In this mode ros params are used to build a camera info message that is published in sync with the image messages. This allows the use of ros nodes that require camera info with devices and bags that do not provide it.


  • queue size The length of the queues the node uses for topics (default: 10).
  • input_camera_info_from_ros_params If false the node will subscribe to a camera_info ros topic named input/camera_info to obtain the input camera parameters. If false the input camera parameters will be loaded from ros parameters. See the parameters format section for further details. (default: false).
  • output_camera_info_source The source to use when obtaining the output camera parameters. The possible case-insensitive options are,
    • "auto_generated" The default value. In this mode "good" output parameters are automatically generated based on the input image. focal length is the average of fx and fy of the input, the center point is in the center of the image, R=I and translation is preserved. Resolution is set to the largest area that contains no empty pixels. The size of the output can also be modified with the scale parameter.
    • "match_input" The output projection matrix and resolution, exactly match the inputs.
    • "ros_params" The output camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters. See the parameters format section for further details.
    • "camera_info" The output parameters are found through subscribing to a camera_info ros topic named output/camera_info
  • input_camera_namespace If the input camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. This is needed to allow both input and output to be loaded from parameters. (default: "input_camera")
  • output_camera_namespace If the output camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "output_camera").
  • process_images True to output a processed image, false if only a camera_info topic should be generated. (default: true).
  • undistort_image True to undistort the images, false to keep the distortion. (default: true).
  • process_every_nth_frame Used to temporarily down-sample the images, if it is <= 1 every frame will be processed. (default: 1).
  • output_image_type Converts the output image to the specified format, set to the empty string "" to preserve the input type. See the cv_bridge tutorial for possible format strings. (default: "").
  • scale Only used if output_camera_info_source is set to "auto_generated". The output focal length will be multiplied by this value. This has the effect of resizing the image by this scale factor. (default: 1.0).
  • publish_tf True to publish the tf between the input and output image. If the undistortion involves changes to the rotation matrix the frame that the image is in will change. This tf gives that change. (default: true)
  • output_frame The name of the frame of the output images. (default: "output_camera")
  • rename_input_frame If the input frame should be renamed in the published topics and tf tree. (default: false)
  • input_frame Only used if rename_input_frame is true. The name of the frame of the input images. (default: "input_camera")
  • rename_radtan_plumb_bob If true the radial-tangential distortion model will be called "plumb_bob" in the output camera_info, this is needed by some ros image processing nodes. If false it will be called "radtan". (default: false).

Input/Output Topics

Many of these topics are dependent on the parameters set above and may not appear or may be renamed under some settings.

  • input/image input image topic
  • input/camera_info input camera info topic
  • output/image output image topic
  • output/camera_info output camera info topic

Loading Camera Information from ROS Parameters:

Camera information can be loaded from ROS parameters. These parameters are typically set using . The format used by this node is compatible with the camchains generated by Kalibr. The follow steps are used when loading this information.

  1. A 3x3 intrinscs matrix named K is searched for. If it is found it is loaded. If it is not found a 1x4 vector named intrinsics is loaded, this contains the parameters (fx, fy, cx, cy). If neither parameters are given the node displays an error and terminates.
  2. A 1x2 vector named resolution is loaded which contains the parameters (width, height). Again, if not given the node displays an error and terminates.
  3. A 4x4 transformation matrix T is searched for. If it is found it is loaded. Otherwise it is searched for under the name T_cn_cnm1 and if found loaded. If neither are found the node continues.
  4. A 4x3 projection matrix P is searched for. If it is found it is loaded. If P was found but T was not, P and K are used to construct T, otherwise T is set to identity. If P was not found it is constructed from K and T.
  5. If an output is being loaded, the loading of parameters is completed. For input cameras the distortion properties are now loaded
  6. A 1xn vector D is loaded. If it is not found or is less than 5 elements long it is padded with zeros.
  7. A string distortion_model is loaded and converted to lower-case. If it is not found it is set to "radtan".


A node that takes in the properties of two cameras and outputs the camera info required to rectify them so that stereo reconstruction can be performed. The rectification is performed such that only x translation is present between the cameras. The focal points are in the image centers, fx=fy and the image resolution is set to be the largest frame that contains no empty pixels. Note this node can also be run as a nodelet named image_undistort/StereoInfo


  • queue size The length of the queues the node uses for topics (default: 10).
  • input_camera_info_from_ros_params If false the node will subscribe to a camera_info ros topic named input/camera_info to obtain the input camera parameters. If false the input camera parameters will be loaded from ros parameters. See the parameters format section for further details. (default: false).
  • first_camera_namespace If the first camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "first_camera")
  • second_camera_namespace If the second camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "second_camera").
  • scale Only used if output_camera_info_source is set to "auto_generated". The output focal length will be multiplied by this value. This has the effect of resizing the image by this scale factor. (default: 1.0). rename_radtan_plumb_bob If true the radial-tangential distortion model will be called "plumb_bob" in the output camera_info, this is needed by some ros image processing nodes. If false it will be called "radtan". (default: false).

Input/Output Topics

Many of these topics are dependent on the parameters set above and may not appear or may be renamed under some settings.

  • raw/first/image first input image topic, only needed if loading camera parameters from ros params (used for timing information)
  • raw/second/image second input image topic, only needed if loading camera parameters from ros params (used for timing information)
  • raw/first/camera_info first input camera info topic
  • raw/second/camera_info second input camera info topic
  • rect/first/camera_info first output camera info topic
  • rect/second/camera_info second output camera info topic


A node that takes in the images and properties of two cameras and outputs rectified stereo images with their corresponding camera parameters. The rectification is performed such that only x translation is present between the cameras. The focal points are in the image centers, fx=fy and the image resolution is set to be the largest frame that contains no empty pixels. Note this node can also be run as a nodelet named image_undistort/StereoUndistort


  • queue size The length of the queues the node uses for topics (default: 10).
  • input_camera_info_from_ros_params If false the node will subscribe to a camera_info ros topic named input/camera_info to obtain the input camera parameters. If false the input camera parameters will be loaded from ros parameters. See the parameters format section for further details. (default: false).
  • first_camera_namespace If the first camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "first_camera")
  • second_camera_namespace If the second camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "second_camera").
  • scale Only used if output_camera_info_source is set to "auto_generated". The output focal length will be multiplied by this value. This has the effect of resizing the image by this scale factor. (default: 1.0).
  • process_every_nth_frame Used to temporarily down-sample the images, if it is <= 1 every frame will be processed. (default: 1).
  • output_image_type Converts the output images to the specified format, set to the empty string "" to preserve the input type. See the cv_bridge tutorial for possible format strings. (default: "").
  • scale The output focal length will be multiplied by this value. This has the effect of resizing the image by this scale factor. (default: 1.0).
  • publish_tf True to publish the tf between the first input and output image. If the undistortion involves changes to the rotation matrix the frame that the image is in will change. This tf gives that change. (default: true)
  • output_frame The name of the frame of the output images. (default: "first_camera_rect")
  • rename_input_frame If the input frame should be renamed in the published topics and tf tree. (default: false)
  • first_input_frame Only used if rename_input_frame is true. The name of the frame of the first input images. (default: "first_camera")
  • second_input_frame Only used if rename_input_frame is true. The name of the frame of the second input images. (default: "second_camera") rename_radtan_plumb_bob If true the radial-tangential distortion model will be called "plumb_bob" in the output camera_info, this is needed by some ros image processing nodes. If false it will be called "radtan". (default: false).

Input/Output Topics

Many of these topics are dependent on the parameters set above and may not appear or may be renamed under some settings.

  • raw/first/image first input image topic
  • raw/second/image second input image topic
  • raw/first/camera_info first input camera info topic
  • raw/second/camera_info second input camera info topic
  • rect/first/image first output image topic
  • rect/second/image second output image topic
  • rect/first/camera_info first output camera info topic
  • rect/second/camera_info second output camera info topic


A node that takes in the rectified images and properties of two cameras and outputs a disparity image and a pointcloud. The node uses the camera_info topics to figure out which camera is the left one and which is the right one. Internally the node makes use of the opencv stereo block matcher to perform the depth estimation. Note this node can also be run as a nodelet named image_undistort/Depth


  • queue size The length of the queues the node uses for topics. (default: 10)
  • pre_filter_size The size of the prefilter used in StereoBM. (default: 9)
  • pre_filter_cap The upper cap on the prefilter used in StereoBM. (default: 31)
  • sad_window_size The window size used when performing the stereo matching, note the efficientcy of the implementation reduces if this value is greater than 21 (default: 21)
  • min_disparity The minimum disparity checked in StereoBM. (default: 0)
  • num_disparities The number of disparities checked in StereoBM. (default: 64)
  • texture_threshold Minimum texture a patch requires to be matched in StereoBM. (default: 10)
  • uniqueness_ratio Minimum margin by which the best matching disparity must 'win' in StereoBM. (default: 15)
  • speckle_range Parameter used for removing speckle in StereoBM. (default: 0)
  • speckle_window_size Window size used for speckle removal in StereoBM. (default: 0)

Input/Output Topics

  • rect/first/image first input image topic
  • rect/second/image second input image topic
  • rect/first/camera_info first input camera info topic
  • rect/second/camera_info second input camera info topic
  • disparity output disparity image
  • pointcloud output pointcloud


A node for producing dense stereo images. Internally this node simply combines 2 nodelets.

  • image_undistort/StereoUndistort Used to set up the stereo system and rectify the images.
  • image_undistort/Depth Generates disparity images and pointclouds from the rectified images.


  • queue size The length of the queues the node uses for topics (default: 10).
  • input_camera_info_from_ros_params If false the node will subscribe to a camera_info ros topic named input/camera_info to obtain the input camera parameters. If false the input camera parameters will be loaded from ros parameters. See the parameters format section for further details. (default: false).
  • first_camera_namespace If the first camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "first_camera")
  • second_camera_namespace If the second camera parameters are loaded from ros parameters this is the namespace that will be searched. (default: "second_camera").
  • scale Only used if output_camera_info_source is set to "auto_generated". The output focal length will be multiplied by this value. This has the effect of resizing the image by this scale factor. (default: 1.0).
  • process_every_nth_frame Used to temporarily down-sample the images, if it is <= 1 every frame will be processed. (default: 1).
  • output_image_type Converts the output images to the specified format, set to the empty string "" to preserve the input type. See the cv_bridge tutorial for possible format strings. (default: "").
  • scale The output focal length will be multiplied by this value. This has the effect of resizing the image by this scale factor. (default: 1.0).
  • publish_tf True to publish the tf between the first input and output image. If the undistortion involves changes to the transformation matrix the frame that the image is in will change, this occurs during most image rectifications. This tf gives that change. (default: true)
  • output_frame The name of the frame of the output images. (default: "first_camera_rect")
  • rename_input_frame If the input frame should be renamed in the published topics and tf tree. (default: false)
  • first_input_frame Only used if rename_input_frame is true. The name of the frame of the first input images. (default: "first_camera")
  • second_input_frame Only used if rename_input_frame is true. The name of the frame of the second input images. (default: "second_camera") rename_radtan_plumb_bob If true the radial-tangential distortion model will be called "plumb_bob" in the output camera_info, this is needed by some ros image processing nodes. If false it will be called "radtan". (default: false).
  • pre_filter_size The size of the prefilter used in StereoBM. (default: 9)
  • pre_filter_cap The upper cap on the prefilter used in StereoBM. (default: 31)
  • sad_window_size The window size used when performing the stereo matching, note the efficientcy of the implementation reduces if this value is greater than 21 (default: 21)
  • min_disparity The minimum disparity checked in StereoBM. (default: 0)
  • num_disparities The number of disparities checked in StereoBM. (default: 64)
  • texture_threshold Minimum texture a patch requires to be matched in StereoBM. (default: 10)
  • uniqueness_ratio Minimum margin by which the best matching disparity must 'win' in StereoBM. (default: 15)
  • speckle_range Parameter used for removing speckle in StereoBM. (default: 0)
  • speckle_window_size Window size used for speckle removal in StereoBM. (default: 0)

Input/Output Topics

Many of these topics are dependent on the parameters set above and may not appear or may be renamed under some settings.

  • raw/first/image first input image topic
  • raw/second/image second input image topic
  • raw/first/camera_info first input camera info topic
  • raw/second/camera_info second input camera info topic
  • rect/first/image first output rectified image topic
  • rect/second/image second output rectified image topic
  • rect/first/camera_info first output camera info topic
  • rect/second/camera_info second output camera info topic
  • disparity output disparity image topic
  • pointcloud output pointcloud topic


A node for converting a point in a distorted image to a unit bearing vector.


  • queue size The length of the queues the node uses for topics (default: 10).
  • input_camera_info_from_ros_params If false the node will subscribe to a camera_info ros topic named input/camera_info to obtain the input camera parameters. If false the input camera parameters will be loaded from ros parameters. See the parameters format section for further details. (default: false).

Input/Output Topics

Many of these topics are dependent on the parameters set above and may not appear or may be renamed under some settings.

  • input/camera_info camera info topic
  • image_point input location of the point of interest in the image
  • bearing unit bearing to point