
This package contains comparison between the mapping algorithms available in ros : Gmapping, Cartographer and hector slam using pocker_bot in V-REP

Primary LanguageCMake


This package contains comparison between the mapping algorithms available in ros : Gmapping and Cartographer using pocker_bot in V-REP.

Click the image below to view the video of implementation: IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE

Clone pocker_bot_vrep_description to your catkin_ws.

Open V-REP with mapping_scene.ttt. Make sure you run roscore before opening V-REP to load Ros Interface.

To run cartographer, run cartographer_mapping.launch by roslaunch cartographer_mapping cartographer_mapping.launch


  • /map
  • /submap_list

Change cartographer.lua in configuration_files folder to tune the parameter based on your platform.

To run gmapping, run gmapping_mapping.launch by roslaunch cartographer_mapping gmapping_mapping.launch


  • /map
  • /map_metadata

Change parameters for slam_gmapping node in gmapping_mapping.launch to tune for your platform.