- alzayatsJames Cook University
- Anny-Anny
- bladezhangvx:blade170103
- ChenWang0210
- clownrat6🤡 School
- DarioFontanelPolytechnic of Turin
- debcaldarolaPolitecnico di Torino, Stanford University
- DongSkyThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- EDGSCOUTUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- fabvioUniversity of Oxford
- fly51flyPRIS
- gemelgb
- georgosgeorgosDTU Compute
- gmberton
- hahajjjunYonsei University, College of Medicine
- herbwoodChung-Ang univ@IIPL
- hkinkeMars
- JosephKJAdobe Research
- kjohnston5
- lauesaBastian Mobile Robotics, Toyota Advanced Logistics
- Lee-daehoGIST
- LuHuan0321
- marco-toldoUniversity of Padova
- marcocicconeVector Institute
- mymuli南洋理工大学|中山大学|北京邮电大学
- navneetdalalMatician Inc
- ricvolpi
- sauradip@university-of-surrey
- umbertomichieliUniversity of Padova
- usr922Beihang University
- YangQinzhuSZU
- yannqistudent
- yaowu95
- zbessingerZillow Group
- zh460045050