A set of scripts to illustrate mediation models
Set up your conda environment as follow:
# conda create -n mediationmodels_env
conda activate mediationmodels_env
# mamba install -c anaconda -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c r -c brown-data-science r-base r-rmarkdown r-mediation snakemake=7.32.4 python=3.9 graphviz python-kaleido tenacity plotly
# pip install smgantt==0.0.5
Set up your working directory
# Retrieve script and material from github
git clone https://github.com/fchuffar/mediation_models.git
# Go to your workdir
cd mediation_models
snakemake -s 01st_simu.py --cores 16 -rp clean
snakemake -s 01st_simu.py --cores 16 -rpn
# snakemake -s 01st_simu.py --jobs 50 --cluster "oarsub --project epimed -l nodes=1/core=1,walltime=00:10:00" --latency-wait 60 -pn
Targeted dataset is datasets/sim_res_2000_1_100_1_500_1_50_1_rep1.txt
- Launch
) - Comment figures, models used, nature of the variables CTCF, c3D and mRNA
Study and comment the two other datsets datasets/sim_res_2000_1_100_1_0_1_50_1_rep0.txt
and datasets/sim_res_2000_1_100_0_500_1_50_1_rep0.txt
- Adapt the
script and propose amediation_analysis_glm.Rmd
script better able to handle this type of data. - What is the impact of the changes on the effects of the various mediation scheme models and on the ADE, as well as on the ACME?
Le sujet est : en se fondant sur le travail réalisé et en reprenant le cadre formel d'une analyse statistique vu en M1 :
- analysez le nouveau jeu de données
; - concluez, dans cette nouvelle etude, sur l'impact de CTCF sur la transcription médiée par l'organisation 3D du génome ?
Les données sont ici https://github.com/fchuffar/mediation_models/