- 0
Download Pre-trained Model Failed.
#57 opened by YangWulve - 0
download pretrained backbone - access denied
#56 opened by filipberanek - 2
scale conflict with layer_norm
#55 opened by lpetflo - 7
what is the meaning of path_num?
#54 opened by zhanghaochen-817 - 0
Can you share NYUDv2 dataset with me? Thanks!
#50 opened by LinZhuoChen - 0
- 1
runtimeError: If your Function modifies inplace an input that is a view of another Tensor, your Functionannot return more than one Tensor, This is not supported by the current autograd engine, You shouldither make sure the input is not a view (using .clone() for example) or make your Function only returnone Tensor (potentially splitting it into two Functions: one doing the inplace that returns a singleTensor and a second one that does the other operations).You can ask on the forum https: // if you need help to do this change.
#52 opened by zhanghaochen-817 - 8
train and validate and test
#20 opened by 872544050 - 2
A question concerning pretrained model
#49 opened by mskmei - 1
Where are TD2-Bise34 and TD4-Bise18?
#30 opened by Alive1024 - 0
Using TDnet on my dataset
#46 opened by Yulian-Xie - 2
Do we actually need attention downsampling ?
#10 opened by theevann - 2
FileNotFoundError: xxx_gtFine_labelIds.png
#45 opened by Yulian-Xie - 0
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
#43 opened by alhamidi - 1
ImportError: No module named 'enclib_cpu'
#41 opened by Yulian-Xie - 1
cityscapes dataset
#40 opened by serenityly - 2
url for downloading resnet101 not working
#39 opened by serenityly - 2
The NYUDv2 dataset problem
#37 opened by dd1ge - 3
#36 opened by dd1ge - 1
training with single gpu
#28 opened by lucci17 - 5
Which Nvidia GPU card do you use for training?
#27 opened by J-JunChen - 2
Will GPU always run at 100% while training?
#26 opened by J-JunChen - 8
No module named 'enclib_cpu'
#23 opened by shanjiuvspikaqiu - 1
About the speed in Table1 & 3
#32 opened by Jiangtong-Li - 1
NYUD pretrained weights
#34 opened by danigr99727 - 0
Why do you use fours paths in the code?
#35 opened by liqiokkk - 1
model file for psp101
#29 opened by PenPen-ThuSilence - 1
NYUD less training images
#18 opened by brdav - 1
#25 opened by mZhenz - 2
- 1
can you help me download the and provide the download url, l cannot download this from thanks!
#22 opened by hmmlencat - 1
- 5
how to create TD-Bise34 and TD-Bise18?
#6 opened by gitunit - 0
train on my own dataset
#21 opened by 872544050 - 1
- 1
pretrain ResNet not availabel
#19 opened by Minotaur-CN - 1
Possible bug in attention mechanism
#17 opened by DavideA - 2
- 2
Pretrained model URLs
#4 opened by MahdiehP - 1
Per-frame FLOPs
#12 opened by MahdiehP - 1
Problem about evaluation.
#13 opened by Midkey - 5
ninjia error
#5 opened by littlestar231 - 1
- 3
Train on cityscapes original size
#11 opened by MahdiehP - 2
Training Runtime Error: value cannot be converted to type float without overflow:
#9 opened by MahdiehP - 5
#7 opened by lisc199 - 3
#2 opened by finger-monkey - 1
Question about the PID
#3 opened by theevann - 1
when to release the code?
#1 opened by zimenglan-sysu-512