ROS-wrapper around TUM's fastfusion algorithm ( The user can decide whether to either use the original reconstruction algorithm for reconstruction by fusing all available data, or to only keep a local reconstruction consisting of the area observed within a certain time-window. If some (pixelwise) uncertainty is available (for example when using a ToF camera) the user can select to perform the fusion in a weighted fashion taking the sensor noise into account.
Required Packages:
- catkin_simple :
git clone
When using okvis for the pose estimation (requires VI-Sensor) - okvis_ros :
git clone
Installation of fastfusion_ros:
git clone
cd ..
run the fusion in a separate thread
run the meshing in a separate thread (if possible recommended)
factor to convert from integer to metric value (e.g. 1000 for RealSense sensor)
sidelength of the voxel in the finest resolution
truncation parameter of the SDF
whether the mesh should be saved when exiting the node
if saveMesh=true, where to save the mesh
use vicon measurements for the pose input (uses different extrinsic transformation)
name of the world frame
name of the reference frame of the SLAM
name of the frame for the depth measurement
time-window size in seconds (for full reconstruction set to <=0.0)
use a ToF camera for the reconstruction (e.g. Picoflexx)
perform the reconstruction using pixelwise-noise values (only if use_pmd=true)
show the current reconstruction using a pcl-visualizer
There are more paramaters which can be adapted, however, these are hardcoded in the file fusion/include/fusion/definitions.h. The most used are
Defines the maximal range up to which measurements are considered in the reconstruction
Minimal weight of a voxel in order to be triangulated. Higher weights make it more robust to outliers, but delay the reconstruction.
Defines the scaling of the noise-adaptive weighting (only for ToF)
Minimal uncertainty. Measurements with less noise are considered with MIN_NOISE_LEVEL noise.
Note that changing these parameters requires re-compiling the code in order to be applied.
###Run the system (fastfusion_node_dataset.launch) Intended for the use with a dataset including pose data for the sensor pose (e.g. Vicon poses). In the launch file set the camera_name matching your sensor naming and adapt the renaming. Note that the images are only considered for the case when using a ToF camera, otherwise only the registered point-cloud topic is used. Set the correct path to the parameterfile as well as the calibration file and the bag-file containing your data. Then run the system using
roslaunch fastfusion_ros fastfusion_node_dataset.launch
###Run the system with OKVIS (fastfusion_node_slam.launch) Intended for the use of a multisensor setup with a depth sensor mounted on a VI-sensor. In the launch file set the camera_name matching your sensor naming and adapt the renaming. Note that the images are only considered for the case when using a ToF camera, otherwise only the registered point-cloud topic is used. Set the correct path to the parameterfile as well as the calibration file and the bag-file containing your data. Setup the correct calibration for Okvis. Then run the system using
roslaunch fastfusion_ros fastfusion_node_slam.launch
- When using the system performing the full data fusion (decay_time <=0.0), make sure you have either ground truth poses (Vicon) or SLAM poses with little drift. Otherwise the reconstruction will be bad (e.g. multiple reconstructions).
- Setting the decay_time to large values (> 4 sec) and fast motions will result in increase the computation time.
- If you use an RGB-D camera, make sure that the data is available as a colored point cloud, which is the expected input.
- Setting the voxel-resolution (scale) to small values (especially less than 0.005) will increase the computation time as well as the memory requirement.
- For the case with time-window based reconstruction, the current model (vertices) are available as a rostopic (fastfusion/pointCloud).