Full-Stack Web Developer | JavaScript | React | Redux | Ruby | Rails | Electronics and Information Networks Engineer | Open to work.
Microverse studentQuito-Ecuador
fherrerao's Stars
The project is built in Html, CSS, and JavaScript, where you can add and delete a book with its respective author, the data is updated in local storage.
The project is built in React framework, is done with a component that creates the calculator's interface, and the files `calculate.js` and `operate.js` are used to the logic of the project.
A simple website to store all your favorite books. Created with React.js, utilizing Redux and Microverse's proprietary API.
The Bookstore is an app that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.
A Simple Software Engineer Portfolio App Made with Vanilla HTML5, CSS3. The Project Contains a Showcase with Information About Me, All of My Works (Apps), and a Contact Form for Communication
This project is Big game website, This game is with two player the first player Roll dice till then the next player and if the Roll dice is 1 the player lose his score and switch to the next player and who score 100 the winner 🎉
.This project is BookStore so the user can add books by just enter Book name and the author After the user add it, it already displayed in the top of the page and can remove it by remove button.
This project is just to Do list that you can add list of some tasks that you want to do it, So you can remember it and you can remove what you already did.
This is about a conference for charitable organization to help needy people, orphans and refugees made with html,css and javascript
This project is BookStore so the user can add books by just enter Book name and the author After the user add it, it already displayed in the top of the page and can remove it by remove button.
This project is a Bankist website For banking works and credits and Show to you Types of loan and So on and you can open an account from this website. 💵
This project A small game displays to user his score and his name, you can get it from its API and post new players and their scores to the API. 💯
This project is JavaScript web application. Made with vanilla HTML,CSS and JavScript, The topic about POKEMONS so we get pokemons from API and display it with the ability to add your insights in any pokemon you want. 🌌🦎🤓
.This project is A game to guess the number between 1 To 20 and if you are close displays for you messages to be able to Guess the Right number. 🤔💭
.This project is a simple bankist application so you can transfer mony from it and to take loan from bank and you can see your movemnt your deposits and withdrawals and some functionality to close accout if you want to. 🏦💹🏧💵
This project is real worl application contain some animals that I get it from API and I show it to the user and he can choose by select your location and the animal that you want to adopt then you can a list of breed for this animal. if you press any of them you can go to page and hold it.
This is a simple react project that contain a single page application (SPA) And a simple caculator to make some calculation and there is a section you can see some Math quotes. Ⓜ💯
.This Application made with vanilla JavaScript and I used Geolocation and OOP Javascript there, This app contain a map and you can press on anywhere then specify what you want to do there running or cycling . '🏃♂️' OR '🚴♀️
This is a simple react project that stores the books. When the user enters any book with the category will be updated in the API and you can get some of the books from API based on the category. 📚
This project is about Mindvalley (an online school) 2021 Summit. It lists all the speakers that are going to speak at the summit and has a Responsive Web Design. The Mobile menu and the section "Featured speakers" are created dynamically in JavaScript. Note: Not all contents used to create this website design are accurate.
The Bookstore is a React-Redux application connected to an existing API to create and remove books in a remote server. Users can Display the list of books, Add and Remove a selected book.
Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to: make simple calculations and read a random math-related quote.
Delicious Recipes is a Webpack project, it retrieves information from two different APIs: Meals DB and Involvement API. The homepage lists some recipes that we can "like". The comment button opens a popup window, shows us more information about the recipe, and allows us to leave a comment.
This app lists all the books available in a Library. Users can add and remove new books.
The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. It preserves all data thanks to the external Leaderboard API service.
This is My Portfolio, it showcases all the projects that I built, and allows users to contact me. It has Responsive Web Design.
To-Do List registers the things that you want to do and improves your productivity. You can add, edit, delete, reorganize, check, and clear tasks. Also, it keeps the list of your daily tasks in the Local Storage.
A web application where the user can find great horror movies and interact with each one of them by leaving a comment or pressing the like buttons
Rent-A Movie is based in a movie renting site to make reservations, add comments, or just get details about movies that are being rented by the owner. It gets the movie details from TVMaze API, and stores comments and reservations in Involvement API.
TO-DO LIST is a basic website that allows users to add/remove task from a to-do list.