Add Image Upscaling via AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution or NVIDIA Image Scaling to SteamVR games
- 1Magz1
- altfoxie@foxie-solutions
- AngeartDeNAGamesTokyo
- antwgames
- BenCzaczkesHUJI
- bhchew
- Caballete007
- chengjingfeng
- Comptech4u2
- coverman03Japan,Tokyo
- dreharry
- Elkaid
- femdogg
- fgiananti
- fholgerTNG Technology Consulting GmbH
- JeffersonSantana
- JohanvdHovenWageningen - The Netherlands
- justicelee
- lixxbox
- MadEvilLemonJupiter
- nadako@innogames
- Naragorn
- nbohr1moreThe Dark Mod
- nicki9knucklesHalifax, NS
- OliverMilasHamburg
- orion14794
- PheomeHungary, Budapest
- raykai
- rhylos
- RYG81Designmate (I) Pvt Ltd
- sycspysycspy
- TheGeek007
- Thunder1969dk
- Tomcatt
- Wesley-yang
- zortech