Cura plugin which enables printing directly to OctoPrint and monitoring the process
- 1
Cura 5.9.0 Crashing when sending to OctoPrint
#334 opened by theRealBigMunny - 2
Print name appears double (.gcode and .ufp)
#333 opened by spanzetta - 2
- 0
Octoprint Not Available
#331 opened by jadurr - 0
- 1
The current print time is displayed incorrectly
#329 opened by mr-aleks - 3
Cura Closes/Crashes When Uploading To Octoprint.
#327 opened by NokEternal - 0
Cam freezes
#328 opened by Tott3 - 4
Wrong Build Plate Temperature
#326 opened by ProtomakerSprint - 1
Cannot Connect Cura to OctoPrint
#324 opened by Nealtron - 0
Usability issues with multiple printers each with their own Octoprint servers
#325 opened by allanonmage - 1
OctoPrint API Key Error
#321 opened by KGuthrie040 - 0
- 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
[Bug] Camera not displaying on Monitor Tab
#319 opened by impatman - 2
Missing "Connect Octoprint" button on interface
#318 opened by InoSiX - 0
- 4
- 0
Webcam has 0.01 FPS in Cura
#316 opened by SirHungry - 5
Octoprint Connection API Key Issue
#314 opened by tjuoft - 2
Crashes when i upload a print
#315 opened by mrsamflam - 2
OctoPrint USB Webcam randomly decides not to stream (cura stream no longer visible either) phone app works
#283 opened by RawHatLuffy - 8
- 4
- 4
OctoPrintPlugin uses PyQT6 if it is installed, regardless of what the rest of Cura is using -- causes crash
#295 opened by jimduchek - 1
Persistant path
#309 opened by shiftylilbastrd - 3
Memory leak while monitoring print via Octoprint
#307 opened by Dr-Gozmon - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] confirm modal on pause button
#306 opened by devildant - 2
OctoPrint 3.7.2 and Cura 5.3.0-alpha
#305 opened by daviscabral - 2
Octprint connection button not shown
#304 opened by Goodsoldier - 2
- 1
- 6
OctoPrint not avaliable
#300 opened by prfiredragon - 2
- 16
Memory Leak with Cura 5.x and OctoPrint Plug-in
#277 opened by muckypaws - 13
Stuck at "Sending data to Octoprint..."
#296 opened by jamesleemarsh - 1
- 0
- 4
Segmentation fault OctoPrintPlugin 3.7.2, cura 4.13.1
#289 opened by m42j - 0
Unable to connect with basic auth
#288 opened by thorio - 0
Cura 5.0 - request loop
#285 opened by WalkerHype - 0
- 5
When unselecting 'start print after send' you cant toggle the 'switch printer on' checkbox
#276 opened by ImagineerNL - 3
Missing right control
#281 opened by FQQD - 2
Default path '.' not working
#278 opened by tycho94 - 2
Octoprint plugin not available for Qidi printers.
#279 opened by corrado33 - 4
Unable start print after uploading in cura 5.0
#275 opened by alexyutmp - 5
Cura 5.0 but Octoprint menu does not show up at all
#274 opened by kalib98