
I made a Docker Image

Xqua opened this issue · 8 comments

Xqua commented

Dear @StephanPreibisch ,

I really like your plugin, but it can be a little hard to use on different machines because of the high number of dependencies, the CUDA library building etc.

So, I decided to make a docker image. That way you can launch the fusion / deconvolution on any machine, including AWS and GCE.

you will find all the information here

and the github repo

Hi Xqua,

thanks a lot! That is a great idea and I will also try to test it.

Just one correction, the Snakemake workflow is from me.


Xqua commented

Sorry about this, I made a correction in the README. Just to check is it only you or you and Stephan ?

Hi, that's awesome, thanks a lot ... we will soon need to update it to the newest version (as on the BigStitcher Update Site), which we will release early next year. We will put the 'old' multiviewreconstruction as you use it now onto an update site to still allow people to use it...

Just curious @Xqua, you do not have anything that links your account to a real person. If that's intended ok, otherwise I was just wondering who you are? I just like to know likes our software and even helps us :)

Xqua commented

@StephanPreibisch I emailed you about who I am ;)

I'm happy to help Dockerize the new version, as long as it has a HeadLess mode that can be scripted it should not be a problem.

Xqua commented

(Also, will BigSticher allow for HeadLess GPU computing on many GPUs ?)

@Xqua wrote:

I emailed you about who I am ;)

I don't know why you're making such a secret out of this :) The public commits contain your full name Leo Blondel, and your home page can be found easily...

Xqua commented

ahahah, yes I know I can be doxed easily but I try to avoid leaving digital footprints as much as I can ;)