- 2
[Question] DllNotFoundException Error When Building for Android with Firebase Unity SDK: Missing FirebaseCppApp-12_4_1
#1166 opened by harisheligeti - 12
- 4
[Bug] Android Build Failed | WARNING: minSdkVersion (23) is greater than targetSdkVersion (9) for variant "debug".
#1159 opened by gokhancnr - 4
[Question] Unity Firebase SDK compatibility on Devices without google play services (e.g. Meta Quest 3)
#1170 opened by Mesaying - 8
[Bug] Android AppCheck "No AppCheckProvider installed"
#1158 opened by BigTeaTime - 0
[FR]: Add a manual generate google-services.xml method
#1169 opened by go3k - 2
[Bug] Android AppCheck "No AppCheckProvider installed"
#1168 opened by OleksiiSB - 2
- 4
[Question] Firebase or specific Android versions trigger app_clear_data on first_open, disrupting our funnel
#1147 opened by fatihforgemaster - 5
[Question] DllNotFoundException Error When Building for Android with Firebase Unity SDK: Missing FirebaseCppApp-12_4_1
#1152 opened by Denisedkidu - 2
[Bug] FirebaseAuth Login with email and password before registering throwing "An internal error has occurred" without proper AuthError Code
#1153 opened by sonic-hedgehog-25 - 1
[Bug] how edit package name when i have multiple build?
#1165 opened by hdev72 - 6
[Bug] Firebase messaging build issue
#1160 opened by pavankumarat8366 - 3
[Bug] Firebase AppCheck requires Android Min SDK version 24 but min SDK 23 is mentioned ChangeLogs of 12.4.0
#1144 opened by smakarov - 1
- 4
[Bug] Framework 'FBLPromises' not found (at 12.5.0)
#1163 opened by PromanSEW - 2
- 20
[Bug] Undefined symbol: _SWIG_csharp_string_size, _SWIG_csharp_string_str, _SWIG_csharp_string_to_c
#1139 opened by gokhancnr - 2
[Bug] Firebase Auth crashes on iOS after updating Firebase Unity SDK to version 12.3.0
#1141 opened by AnUnitMain - 2
[Question] Multiple Firebase products together? / no app has been configured yet / Delayed Analytics Realtime
#1162 opened by gokhancnr - 7
[Bug] SIGSEGV in firebase::analytics::SetConsent
#1104 opened by gamma-omg - 2
[Bug] Quickstart example of cloud functions is not working (data parameter with numbers is not passed)
#1135 opened by gudkovtimur - 4
[Bug] Unity 6, AdMob & Firebase SDKs -- duplicated attribute property#android.adservices.AD_SERVICES_CONFIG
#1137 opened by manelizzard - 1
[Bug] java.lang.IllegalStateException UnityPlayerGameActivity FirebaseApp was deleted
#1156 opened by UnwindGamesDeveloper - 6
[Bug] Crashlytics stack traces containing async method frames are parsed with information loss
#1132 opened by battleroy - 13
- 3
- 3
[Question] Why does FirebaseDatabase.GetInstance(URL) never fail except when passing in an empty or null URL?
#1155 opened by MichaelPageArtrix - 4
[Bug] Xcode iOS Device Build - Undefined symbols StoreKit11Transaction (Firebase Messaging)
#1121 opened by Goncharuk-Nikita - 4
#1131 opened by aas-ka - 2
[Bug] Unexpected Logouts Upon App Reopen - iOS
#1133 opened by AnnMic - 6
- 3
[Bug] One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn't being registered exclusively for system broadcasts
#1128 opened by justin-tsai - 3
[Bug] Can't build android unity 6
#1129 opened by scnipper - 6
- 4
[Question] Unity ios cloud message with image
#1123 opened by jedai7 - 1
[FR]: Android native crash stacktrace symbolication: Open source/local symbolication tool/library validation tool
#1151 opened by Zachary625 - 6
[FR]: An easy / optimal way to get Server Time
#1150 opened by vg-swift - 3
[FR]: Decrease DLL file Sizes to Avoid LFS
#1116 opened by 1Moazan - 4
- 2
[Bug] AppStartTrace.onActivityResumed : java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.ViewTreeObserver android.view.View.getViewTreeObserver()' on a null object reference
#1124 opened by aboulianne-ludia - 5
[Bug] Firebase Messaging SDK requires Android Min SDK version 24 but min SDK 23 is mentioned ChangeLogs of 12.0.0
#1122 opened by Awais6 - 3
[Question] Cannot find symbol import after updating firebase-messaging-unity
#1138 opened by JiekeZhu - 4
- 2
[Question] Functions gen2 requests not authenticated
#1120 opened by aixaCode - 5
[Bug] Resolving Android dependencies: Job failed error
#1117 opened by idamaeng - 6
[Bug] Firebase SDK 12.2.1 for Unity
#1115 opened by mls-icaro - 2
- 5
[Bug] [] Firebase_Analytics_CSharp_LogEvent__SWIG_5
#1106 opened by Ls9257 - 12