FSA (Fisheries Stock Assessment) package provides R functions to conduct typical introductory fisheries analyses.
- ACottrell36Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- cedricbriandgithubEPTB-Vilaine
- droglencNorthland College
- ErickBorja
- huihualeeSouthwest Fisheries Science Center
- jcdoll79Department of Biology
- kristenpeckDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- mhpobUniversity of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
- MichiGroh
- PowellWheelerSouthwestern North Carolina
- ronnie-frJames Cook University
- SalarpouriHormozgan, Iran
- stephenmcgovarin
- taylorstewartUtah Division of Wildlife Resources
- tokami@DTUAqua
- zackdaugherty