ROS 2 driver for LitraTech's latest generation of mechanical 2D LiDARs running LDCP (LiDAR Data and Control Protocol). Supported models are:

  • LTME-02A
  • R Series: LT-R1, LT-R2
  • I Series: LT-I1, LT-I2

Build and Install


  • C++11 capable compiler: [Required]
  • OpenSSL: [Optional] The firmware updater will not be built if OpenSSL development files are missing; other parts of the package are not affected.

Build the Package

Extract package source to your ROS 2 workspace's src directory, then build the workspace:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src
cd .. && colcon build

Or if you only want the package itself to be built:

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --packages-up-to ltme_node



Reads and publishes measurement data (ranges & intensities) from connected device. It also exposes several services for other nodes to query information about the device and control its operation mode.

Published Topics

scan (sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan): Laser scan measurements from connected device. The topic name can be changed with remappings parameter to Node constructor in Python launch file.


~query_serial (std_srvs/srv/Empty): Returns connected device's serial number as a std_msgs/msg/String.

~query_firmware_version (std_srvs/srv/Empty): Returns connected device's firmware version as a std_msgs/msg/String.

~request_hibernation (std_srvs/srv/Empty): Put device into standby mode. During standby the device will turn off its motor and laser to prevent wearing and save power; no data will be published until it's brought out of standby.

~request_wake_up (std_srvs/srv/Empty): Exit standby mode and resume normal operation.


~device_model (string) [Required]: Model name of the target device. Supported models are:

  • LTME-02A
  • R Series: LT-R1, LT-R2
  • I Series: LT-I1, LT-I2

~device_address (string) [Required]: IP address of the target device. For supported models, factory default address is

~frame_id (string, default: "laser") [Optional]: Frame ID of published LaserScan messages.

~invert_frame (bool, default: "false") [Optional]: If this option is enabled, published LaserScan messages will have their X and Z axes inverted. When the device is mounted upside down, you can use this option to revert the inversion caused by mounting, and make it looks like the scans are from a device installed in a regular way.

~angle_min and ~angle_max (float, default: -2.356 and 2.356 for models with 270-degree FoV; -3.142 and 3.142 for models with 360-degree FoV) [Optional]: Start and end angle of published laser scans (in radians). Default values for these parameters make the entire angular FoV available without clipping.

~angle_excluded_min and ~angle_excluded_max (float, default: -3.142 and -3.142) [Optional]: Range of angle (in radians) for which data should be excluded from published laser scans. Default values for these parameters make the entire angular FoV available without clipping.

~range_min and ~range_max (float, default: 0.05 and model-specific default max) [Optional]: Minimum and maximum range values that are considered valid for published laser scans. Range values out of these bounds should be ignored.