Fivetran's ad reporting dbt package. Combine your Facebook, Google, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Microsoft, TikTok, Reddit, Amazon, and Apple Search advertising metrics using this package.
- 5
[Bug] package grayed out
#129 opened by nirera - 18
[Bug] Unable to Find Source Schemas on Database that is Different From the Target Database (Multi-Database Setup)
#126 opened by Kryt87 - 0
- 0
- 10
metricflow_time_spine error on dbt 2024.8.221
#117 opened by pestrov - 2
[Bug] Manifest generation failure
#111 opened by leandrocentr - 1
[Bug] Add correct variable name (passthrough metric) in `ad_reporting__url_report`
#95 opened by aleix-cd - 9
[Bug] manifest generation error
#106 opened by rafaelmarinm - 7
[Bug] dbt manifest generation failed
#108 opened by trueclassic02 - 2
[Bug] Update semantic model name
#104 opened by Jstein77 - 0
- 1
- 1
[Feature] Update metrics spec to be 1.6 compatiable
#101 opened by Jstein77 - 0
[Feature] Add documentation on differences among aggregations across different grains
#92 opened by fivetran-reneeli - 1
[Feature] Add ability to pass through metrics to final ad reporting models
#85 opened by fivetran-joemarkiewicz - 13
- 5
[Bug] Unable to define database variables using Unity Catalog for Google Ads Source
#87 opened by nicolaswon - 2
[Bug] Issue while running facebook_ads transformations with new schema or for a new instance or environment
#65 opened by chandu98 - 4
- 4
- 4
- 2
- 0
- 9
- 3
FEATURE - inclusion of aid/oid from ad reporting platforms into ad_reporting models
#24 opened by heidi-trimble - 4
- 30
- 1
[Bug] Inconsistency in default value for var `twitter_ads__using_keywords`
#69 opened by fivetran-catfritz - 5
[Bug] Compilation Error Could not render {{ metric('spend') }} / {{ metric('clicks') }}: 'metric' is undefined
#67 opened by Elvie-JackRockett - 6
- 2
- 2
- 2
[Feature] Allow Google PMAX campaign clicks,spend,Impressions through package
#56 opened by Elvie-JackRockett - 1
FEATURE - Enable users to select from google's Criteria or URL ad adapters
#16 opened by kristin-bagnall - 1
- 1
[Docs] Update Ad Reporting Info about Google Ads API and Deprecated AdWords API
#51 opened by MitchellRLayton - 1
- 4
Time zone mis match when dealing with data from multiple data sources
#49 opened by teja-goud-kandula - 4
In which dbt_project.yml do we need to make the changes as stated in the documentation?
#48 opened by teja-goud-kandula - 3
BUG - Dependency errors with dbt ad_reporting
#43 opened by simon-tarr - 3
BUG - Compilation Error "Carosel Media"
#35 opened by knlekash-rfa - 1
- 19
- 2
FEATURE - include account_name and account_id in the stg_facebook_ads model
#25 opened by bnealdefero - 7
- 1
support for converstion
#14 opened by leinemann - 10
- 2
Increase fivetran/google_ads version range
#11 opened by ben-ole - 3
incremental processing
#10 opened by leinemann