
lat long reference point

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is there anyway to specify a lat and long reference point and calculate the Odometry based on that?

Hello @saeedarabi92,

unfortunately the ref point cannot be specified as of now. We will add this feature into consideration.

Hi @saeedarabi92, I am closing this issue as this doesn't pertain to the driver anymore.

In case you're interested in implementing this at your end, we would be able to recommend using our library - fixposition_gnss_tf.

In your case, I believe this function would be of help.


auto enu = gnss_tf::TfEnuEcef(ecef_from_driver, wgs84_lla_ref);

We're currently also working on a feature for the sensor to natively publish ENU output in a provided reference frame. Keep an eye out for new software releases in the horizon of 1-2 months.