Julia binning algorithms.
Work in progress...
Currently only exports single function
help?> bucket
search: bucket bucket! Buckets IndexBucket CountBucket ThreadBuckets unpack_bucket
bucket(X, y, bins; kwargs...)
Bin data in y by X into bins, that is to say, reduce the y data corresponding to
coordinates X over domain ranges given by bins.
The contiguous requirement is that bins describes the bin edges, such that the minimal
value of bin i is the maximal value of bin (i-1). This function will bin all y with X <
minimum(bins) into the first bin, and all y with X > maximum(bins) into the last bin.
bucket(X1, X2, y, bins1, bins2, alg=Simple(); kwargs...)
Two dimensional contiguous binning, where y can either be
• AbstractMatrix: in this case, X1 and X2 are assumed to be the columns and rows
respectively of the data in y,
and bins1 (bins2) the bin edges for X1 (X2).
• AbstractVector: X1 and X2 are effectively the coordinates of y
bucket(X, bins; kwargs...)
bucket(alg::AbstractBucketAlgorithm, args...; kwargs...)
Defaults to the Simple algorithm if alg unspecified.
Bin by frequency X into bins.