
RL Reach is a platform for running reproducible reinforcement learning experiments. Training environments are provided to solve the reaching task with a robotic arm.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RL Reach

RL Reach is a platform for running reproducible reinforcement learning experiments. Training environments are provided to solve the reaching task with the WidowX MK-II robotic arm. The Gym environments and training scripts are adapted from Replab and Stable Baselines Zoo, respectively.

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4 training environments are available:

  • widowx_reacher-v1: fixed goal
  • widowx_reacher-v2: fixed goal, goal-oriented environment (compatible with HER)
  • widowx_reacher-v3: random goal
  • widowx_reacher-v4: random goal, goal-oriented environment (compatible with HER)


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/PierreExeter/rl_reach.git && cd rl_reach/
  1. Install and activate the Conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate rl_reach

Note, this environment assumes that you have CUDA 11.1 installed. If you are using another version of CUDA, you will have to install Pytorch manually as indicated here.

  1. Install the custom Gym environments
cd gym_envs/
pip install -e .

Alternatively, use the Docker container (see section below).

Test the installation

Manual tests

python tests/manual/1_test_widowx_env.py
python tests/manual/2_test_train.py
python tests/manual/3_test_enjoy.py
python tests/manual/4_test_pytorch.py

Automated tests

pytest tests/auto/all_tests.py -v

Train RL agents

RL experiments can be launched with the script run_experiments.py.


  • --exp-id: Unique experiment ID (int)
  • --algo: RL algorithm (str: a2c, ddpg, her, ppo, sac, td3)
  • --env: Training environment ID (str: widowx_reacher-v1, widowx_reacher-v2, widowx_reacher-v3, widowx_reacher-v4)
  • --n-timesteps: Number of training steps (int)
  • --n-seeds: Number of runs with different initialisation seeds (int)


python run_experiments.py --exp-id 99 --algo ppo --env widowx_reacher-v1 --n-timesteps 10000 --n-seeds 3

Run all experiments:


Evaluate policy and save results

Trained models can be evaluated and the results can be saved with the script evaluate_policy.py.


  • --exp-id: Unique experiment ID (int)
  • --n-eval-steps: Number of evaluation timesteps (int)
  • --log-info: Log information at each evaluation steps and save (0 or 1)
  • --plot-dim: Plot end effector and goal position in real time (0: Don't plot (default), 2: 2D, 3: 3D)
  • --render: Render environment during evaluation (0 or 1)


python evaluate_policy.py --exp-id 99 --n-eval-steps 1000 --log-info 0 --plot-dim 0 --render 0

Environment evaluation plot:

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Experiment learning curves:

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The evaluation metrics, environment's variables, hyperparameters used during the training and parameters for evaluating the environments are logged for each experiments in the file benchmark/benchmark_results.csv. Evaluation metrics of selected experiments ID can be plotted with the script scripts/plot_benchmark.py.


  • --exp-list: List of experiments to consider for plotting (list of int)
  • --col: Name of the hyperparameter for the X axis, see column names in benchmark/benchmark_results.csv (str)


python scripts/plot_benchmark.py --exp-list 26 27 28 29 --col n_timesteps

Optimise hyperparameters

Hyperparameters can be tuned with the script train.py -optimize.


  • --algo: RL algorithm (str: a2c, ddpg, her, ppo, sac, td3)
  • --env: Training environment ID (str: widowx_reacher-v1, widowx_reacher-v2, widowx_reacher-v3, widowx_reacher-v4)
  • --n-timesteps: Number of training steps (int)
  • --n-trials: Number of optimisation trials (int)
  • --n-jobs: Number of parallel jobs (int)
  • --sampler: Sampler for optimisation search (str: random, tpe, skopt)
  • --pruner: Pruner to kill unpromising trials early (str: halving, median, none)
  • --n-startup-trials: Number of trials before using optuna sampler (int)
  • --n-evaluations: Number of episode to evaluate a trial (int)
  • --log-folder: Log folder for the results (str)


python train.py -optimize --algo ppo --env widowx_reacher-v1 --n-timesteps 100000 --n-trials 100 --n-jobs 8 --sampler tpe --pruner median --n-startup-trials 10 --n-evaluations 10 --log-folder logs/opti

Optimise all experiments:


Docker images

Pull Docker image (CPU or GPU)

docker pull rlreach/rlreach-cpu
docker pull rlreach/rlreach-gpu

or build image from Dockerfile

docker build -t rlreach-cpu:latest . -f docker/Dockerfile_cpu
docker build -t rlreach-gpu:latest . -f docker/Dockerfile_gpu

Run commands inside the docker container with run_docker_cpu.sh and run_docker_gpu.sh.


./docker/run_docker_cpu.sh python run_experiments.py --exp-id 99 --algo ppo --env widowx_reacher-v1 --n-timesteps 30000 --n-seeds 2
./docker/run_docker_cpu.sh python evaluate_policy.py --exp-id 99 --n-eval-steps 1000 --log-info 0 --plot-dim 0 --render 0

Note, the GPU image requires nvidia-docker.

Tested on

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Python 3.7.9
  • Conda 4.9.2
  • CUDA 11.1