
This repository contains ROS packages for storing environmental measurements, including simulation of sources, visualization and tools. Measurement interpolation and computation of Region of Interest is also supported.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Environmental Measurements: Storage, Simulation, Visualization and Tools

This repository contains ROS packages for storing environmental measurements using a generic message interface. Packages include simulation of sources, storage, visualization and tools. Measurement interpolation and computation of Region of Interest is also supported.


Package Description

Detailed information about usage is provided on each package.


If you want to use all included packages, you can just compile the meta-package fkie_measurement using catkin tools:

  • Install APT dependencies:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-octomap-ros ros-noetic-pcl-ros ros-noetic-grid-map-core ros-noetic-grid-map-ros python3-sklearn  python3-skimage python3-scipy
  • Install Python dependencies:
pip install future pykrige --user
  • Get the code and compile:
cd ros/src
git clone https://github.com/fkie/fkie_environmental_measurements
cd fkie_environmental_measurements/fkie_measurement
catkin build --this


A demo using the measurement_server and the measurement_sensor_simulator can be execute using:

cd ros
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch fkie_measurement_server measurement_server.launch

If you want to compute interpolation and ROIs (Region Of Interest), just send the corresponding request message:

rostopic pub /commands std_msgs/String "data: 'compute_interpolation'"


rostopic pub /commands std_msgs/String "data: 'compute_boundary_polygons'"


If you use this work for scientific purposes, please consider to reference the following article:

Automated Environmental Mapping with Behavior Trees

  title={Automated Environmental Mapping with Behavior Trees},
  author={Rosas, Francisco Garcia and Hoeller, Frank and Schneider, Frank E},
  booktitle={Advances in Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation},


Francisco J. Garcia R.

Frank Höller

Menaka Naazare 