Complete Matlab pipeline for large scale calcium imaging data analysis
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- 0
Porblem with normcorre: Index in position 3 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
#114 opened by Mtkostecki - 0
Variable mis-named?
#113 opened by nobias - 0
run_CNMF_patches indices compatibility
#112 opened by hyewkim - 0
Issue in run_pipeline line 127
#110 opened by CharlieOC19 - 0
Seeded Initialization script
#109 opened by eltabbal - 0
Error with p value
#108 opened by oregonGCAMP - 1
Trouble using ROI_GUI
#107 opened by CharlieOC19 - 1
Error in run_pipeline
#106 opened by jic0101 - 2
Error in run_CNMF_patches (line 121) - [idx, value] = fetchNext(future_results);
#105 opened by connorjohnson1 - 2
- 2
Undefined function or variable 'NoRMCorreSetParms'.
#103 opened by tomatoccoo - 7
Errors in demo
#104 opened by saglag - 2
How to estimate resting-state F0?
#102 opened by wenxuanliang - 4
Potential improvement on construct_patches.m
#101 opened by wenxuanliang - 1
- 4
- 10
Question on PSD Calculation
#98 opened by wenxuanliang - 1
Error using parallel.FevalFuture/fetchNext
#95 opened by 674067482 - 9
#91 opened by Mocambo90 - 4
- 1
- 1
error in demo_endoscope
#94 opened by elizabethpereida - 1
#93 opened by zoranne - 6
exp2 kernel error in cvx_foopsi
#92 opened by jrclimer - 2
F_dff time shifted compared to F_full?
#89 opened by grego1979 - 6
- 2
- 0
#88 opened by grego1979 - 2
Error run_pipeline.m -- sizY?
#87 opened by akim5651 - 1
Processing many .tif files
#86 opened by PhantomSpike - 7
what's the difference between DF/F extracted by extract_DF_F.m and plot_components_GUI.m ?
#85 opened by chunyueli - 4
process multiple sessions using run_pipeline
#83 opened by chunyueli - 3
#84 opened by grego1979 - 8
run_pipeline error
#79 opened by szocs93 - 3
Memory error using demo_patches
#81 opened by hubhubhang - 1
Tips on using demo_patch ?
#80 opened by hubhubhang - 11
Error message in using demo_patches.m - Unable to read HDF5 file 'cnn_model.h5'. The error message was: 'The filename specified was either not found on the MATLAB path or it contains unsupported characters.''
#78 opened by hubhubhang - 3
Error in CNM.fitPatches
#77 opened by JSignoretGenest - 2
paste centroids of neurons as a ROI_list
#76 opened by LoOthar - 9
- 21
- 9
Error in register_ROI.m
#67 opened by masa6161 - 5
Error When running pipeline script
#63 opened by vd2309 - 1
estimated spikes not returned by run_CNMF_patches
#62 opened by jennan - 2
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