
Orchestrate data transfer from foreign tables to local tables.

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Foreign Data Wrapper Assistant

Orchestrate data transfer from foreign tables to local tables with a simple configuration table. The relations must exist and should be defined with the same columns in no particular order.

fdw-assistant provides:

  • a convenient way to build new stages based on configuration, composed by preconfigured jobs
  • a report view that aggregate job status per stage
  • a variety of options in the central config table

fdw-assistant has been designed to be used by a multiple processus orchestrator, like xargs or dispatch commands. In that way, data and subsets could be processed in parallel.


Download the main file and execute it on a PostgreSQL database. It creates a dedicated schema (named assistant by default) with relations and routines. Use the -v flag with the INSTALL variable to change the schema name.

psql -f fdw-assistant.sql -v INSTALL=assistant

To remove the assistant, just drop the schema.




  • source (type regclass): Where the data comes from, relative to current search_path.

  • target (type regclass): Where the data goes to, relative to current search_path.

  • pkey (type text): Column name included in primary key constraint. Composite columns are not supported.

  • priority (type numeric): Used during stage creation to sort the job list in ascendent order.

  • parts (type bigint) : Defines the number of subsets we want. Used during stage creation to build a modulus condition for each subset.

  • trunc (type boolean): If set to true, the target table will be truncated at the very first start of a job.

  • condition (type text): Applies a WHERE condition to the SELECT statement used during data transfer.

  • batchsize (type interger): If set, the job will loop over source target to transfer data as a bunch of rows with intermediate COMMIT at batch completion.


  (source, target, pkey, priority, parts, trunc, condition, batchsize) 
-- t1 will be copied in a single operation
  ('source.t1', 'public.t1', 'id', 2, 1, true, null, null),
-- t2 will be dispatched to two jobs, each will insert data with a batch size of 200
  ('source.t2', 'public.t2', 'id', 1, 2, false, null, 200),
-- t3 will be copied with a condition that filters negative values
  ('source.t3', 'public.t3', 'id', 3, 1, true, 'value >= 0', null);

API Usage

plan(targets text[]) function

  • plan() prepares a new stage by creating stage, job and task records and returns a set of CALL copy() statements in order of configured priority.

  • targets parameter is an array of target relation names used as filter. If empty, all relations in the config table are used as targets.

  • Using multiple parts (more than one) will result in multiple tasks (and tasks) being generated with a modulo condition to split into unique subsets.

copy(job_id bigint) procedure

  • copy() handles INSERT statement build and execution, updates its own job record during bulk insertion batches and at the end with success or failed status.

  • A table with trunc option will be truncated before bulk inserts.

  • The same copy(job_id) statement can be executed several times without truncating a table with trunc option. This behavior is intended to resume the job from the last known sequence in case of unintentional interruption.

Internal relations

state enum type

  • running: a job is processing the data transfer

  • failed: a error has been raised, the job stopped in the middle of a batch and rollbacked his current task.

  • pending: a job has been prepared by the plan() procedure but the copy() has not been called yet.

  • completed: a job has processed the data transfert successfully.

report view

  • stage_id (type bigint): Identifier used to filter a specific stage.

  • target (type regclass): Where the data goes to, relative to current search_path.

  • job_start (type timestamp): Start time of the jobs, null if not started yet.

  • state (type state): State of the jobs, pending by default.

  • rows (type numeric): Number of rows processed by the jobs so far.

  • total (type numeric): Number of rows to process by the jobs.

  • elapsed (type interval): Cumulative elapsed time spent by the jobs.

  • rate (type numeric): Calculated rate (rows per second) attached to a jobs, based on elapsed time and rows processed.

  • progress (type numeric): Calculated progression (from 0 to 1) based on processed rows and total rows to process.

  • eti (type interval): Estimated time interval before completion.

  • eta (type timestamp): Estimated time of completion.

stage table

  • stage_id (type bigint): A unique identifier spawned by calling plan() function.

  • ts (type timestamp): Creation time of the stage.

job table

  • stage_id (type bigint): Identifier of the stage that job belongs to.

  • job_id (type bigint): A unique identifier to manipulate the job with copy() procedure.

  • part (type integer): Subset identifier, start with 0.

  • lastseq (type bigint): Last maximum value returned by the INSERT statement, based on the pkey, to resume the data transfer with new rows.

  • rows (type bigint): Cumulative number of rows processed.

  • elapsed (type interval): Cumulative elapsed time spent by the job.

  • ts (type timestamp): Start time of the job, null if not started yet.

  • state (type state): State of the job, pending by default.


Generate oracle_fdw key options for each foreign table

When reading foreign tables through oracle_fdw extension, we should add a special option on primary key column of the foreign table. It enforces index usage on remote database when exporting data in a batch.

Source : https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Retrieve_primary_key_columns

SELECT format('ALTER FOREIGN TABLE fdw.%I ALTER COLUMN %I OPTIONS (ADD key ''true'')', c.relname, a.attname)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
INNER JOIN pg_index i ON c.oid = i.indrelid
INNER JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey) AND i.indisprimary
WHERE n.nspname = 'public';

Feed the config table from foreign tables definition

INSERT INTO config (target, source, pkey)
SELECT format('public.%I', c.relname), format('%I.%I', n.nspname, c.relname), a.attname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table ft
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = ft.ftrelid
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid,
LATERAL pg_catalog.pg_options_to_table(a.attfdwoptions) op
WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND op.option_name = 'key' AND op.option_value = 'true';