- 0
ADD catch constraint to (HM)
#33 opened by iagomosqueira - 0
- 0
REVIEW error process in goFissh(FLStock)
#31 opened by iagomosqueira - 3
How to cite flr/mse?
#30 opened by k-doering-NOAA - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Naming inside control
#1 opened by iagomosqueira - 0
Try to implement BoB HCR
#29 opened by iagomosqueira - 0
Patches for OSX users
#8 opened by iambaim - 0
Improve summary(FLom)
#23 opened by iagomosqueira - 0
Improve summary(FLom)
#24 opened by iagomosqueira - 0
- 0
no helpfile for FLom, FLoem, FLiem, FLmse
#21 opened by mebrooks - 2
Warnings in Rd pages
#18 opened by iagomosqueira - 4
Rename length.est to avoid S3 warning
#17 opened by iagomosqueira - 2
phcr is missing in the tracking matrix
#10 opened by ejardim - 13
- 1
Naming of mp() arguments
#2 opened by iagomosqueira - 1
- 0
document list of module functions in the package
#11 opened by ejardim - 2
mse install on R 3.6.1 on Ubuntu 18.04
#9 opened by ldbk - 2
which master for latest installation?
#4 opened by mebrooks - 1
pass hcrpars to k()
#3 opened by shfischer