Flutter plugin that allows you to detect mobile screenshot and execute callback functions on iOS and Android. 🚀
- 6
Screenshot detect doesnot work on android
#89 opened by Mr-Talha110 - 1
- 1
Build Android release failed [version 2.0.3]
#85 opened by 1712916 - 0
Android callback not triggered
#88 opened by LScodeblack - 5
Android not working ....
#80 opened by OpenSphereSoftware - 1
- 0
- 0
Detected Crash at Crashlytics
#84 opened by ahmad-mukhlish - 4
Not working addListener
#76 opened by jigarplotx - 4
Last version flutter not works
#77 opened by ultramegagood - 3
- 1
Versions conflict
#75 opened by YaTo3 - 0
android not work, ios is ok
#67 opened by ericzhou2008 - 1
Android build fails
#73 opened by tudor07 - 1
iOS compilation issue
#72 opened by tudor07 - 2
Swift Compiler Errors
#38 opened by dragonkhoi - 1
Android release build error
#65 opened by jargalbat - 2
Listener dosen't work
#61 opened by JackHuang111 - 0
Not working
#66 opened by AhmedHammad0900 - 1
version solving failed
#63 opened by ketanphpdots - 3
permission_handler package update
#62 opened by zhakiro - 0
android release error
#64 opened by sungentim - 3
Android not listen to capture
#56 opened by JumanDhaher - 1
- 3
Can not run in sound null safety.
#54 opened by wrteam-priyansh - 4
The plugins `screenshot_callback` use a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
#53 opened by imajercsik - 0
Missing Purpose String in Info.plist
#52 opened by henriklein - 3
update permission_handler
#48 opened by Joseph-Nathan - 1
- 0
Remove permission_handler
#44 opened by ccadieux - 2
Flutter 2.0
#46 opened by momoleu - 3
MissingPluginException(No implemention found for method requestPermissions on channel flutter.baseflow.com/permissions/methods)
#45 opened by zhangjun920912 - 3
flutter2.0 Null safety
#42 opened by panzikeji - 1
- 10
When i do a Screenshot nothing happens !
#33 opened by freshtim - 9
- 0
- 0
compile swift failed
#41 opened by mg120 - 1
Failed in Build in IOS
#36 opened by Joseph-Nathan - 1
android debug error:A request for permissions is already running, please wait for it to finish before doing another request (note that you can request multiple permissions at the same time)
#23 opened by anysunflower - 1
- 1
[IOS] Notification observer remove timing issue
#16 opened by yenoss - 1
Getting error on iOS platform
#31 opened by priteshmetafic - 1
Problem with PermissionHandler lib
#27 opened by pfelipe96 - 1
- 0
screenshot_callback flutter pub get fail
#30 opened by b5710546291 - 0
Updating the package on pub.dev
#28 opened by furkansarihan - 0
permission_handler depend upgrade
#20 opened by windows7lake - 1
Error android 9
#17 opened by JonnyBorges - 0
Update permission_handler version dependency
#18 opened by Zazo032