Software Engineer and Lecturer
OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied SciencesSwitzerland
fmorgner's Followers
- anhninausEximias GmbH
- beggiman
- bgaechterSwitzerland
- bigaruUniversity of Zurich
- cyang812Microsoft
- DarnorSwitzerland
- das-gOST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
- DashieTM
- devedupDevedUp Ltd
- dns2utf8Freelancer
- fatbob313Sweden
- felixenchiparamban
- fl3pp
- jeremystucki@valora-digital
- KevinHock@grammarly (Formerly @pinterest, @Yelp)
- liolin
- lribiYMC AG
- luismeier@ILT-HSR
- Mafii@messerli-informatik-ag
- mebeingcreative
- meiervalNetcetera AG
- mjossdevSwitzerland
- morgner
- Murthy10
- pikoohSwitzerland
- pipeaesacSwitzerland
- SamLiuGuanshanYork, UK
- SiChiTong
- Stautob
- StypVeemg GmbH
- thaewraptSelf-Employment, Inc.
- tonisuterSwisscom
- ubosshardswitzerland
- uelibo