win-x64 player 启动直接闪退 (Build时 HybirdClr 已关闭)
jzq740176597 opened this issue · 1 comments
jzq740176597 commented
Describe the bug | 描述问题
See title
** Enviroment | 环境 **
- Unity Version: 2021.3.27f1
- com.code-philosophy.hybridclr Version: 5.10 (修复Post_processing - BUG 版)
- Platform: Win 64 Standalone
**To Reproduce | 复制步骤 **
有Build 版exe, 直接运行即可重现
Expected behavior | 期望的结果
Screenshots | 截图或者日志
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
闪退 (Player.log 截图)
Additional context | 补充信息
Add any other context about the problem here.
pirunxi commented